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2018Diversity of primates and other mammals in the middle Purus basin in the Brazilian AmazonSampaio, Ricardo Telles de Moreira; Röhe, Fábio; Rylands, Anthony B.
2012Do the antiherbivore traits of expanding leaves in the Neotropical tree Inga paraensis (Fabaceae) vary with light availability?Sinimbu, Georgia; Coley, Phyllis D.; Lemes, Maristerra R.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Does sex matter? Gender-specific responses to forest fragmentation in Neotropical batsRocha, Ricardo; Ferreira, Diogo F.; López-Baucells, Adrià; Farneda, Fábio Z.; Carreiras, João Manuel de Brito; Palmeirim, Jorge Manuel; Meyer, Christoph F.J.
2009Ecological niches and their evolution among neotropical manakins (Aves: Pipridae)Anciães, Marina; Peterson, Andrew Townsend
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Ecology and conservation of avian insectivores of the rainforest understory: A pantropical perspectivePowell, Luke L.; Cordeiro, Norbert J.; Stratford, Jeffrey A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020Effects of forest fragmentation on the vertical stratification of neotropical batsSilva, Inês; Rocha, Ricardo; López-Baucells, Adrià; Farneda, Fábio Z.; Meyer, Christoph F.J.
2008Effects of forest fragmentation on two sister genera of Amazonian rodents (Myoprocta acouchy and Dasyprocta leporina)Jorge, Maria Luisa S. P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Effects of Pleistocene climate changes on species ranges and evolutionary processes in the Neotropical Atlantic ForestCabanne, Gustavo Sebastián; Calderón, Luciano; Trujillo-Arias, Natalia; Flores, Pamela; Pessoa, Rodrigo Oliveira; D'Horta, Fernando Mendonça; Miyaki, Cristina Yumi
2014The emerging field of geogenomics: Constraining geological problems with genetic dataBaker, Paul A.; Fritz, Sherilyn C.; Dick, Christopher W.; Eckert, Andrew J.; Horton, Brian K.; Manzoni, Stefano; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Garzione, Carmala N.; Battisti, David S.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Environmental gradients and the evolution of successional habitat specialization: A test case with 14 Neotropical forest sitesLetcher, Susan G.; Lasky, Jesse R.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Norden, Natalia; Wright, Stuart Joseph; Meave, Jorge A.; Pérez-García, Eduardo A.; Muñoz, Rodrigo; Romero-Pérez, Eunice; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Andrade, José Luis; Balvanera, Patricia; Becknell, Justin M.; Bentos, Tony V.; Bhaskar, Radika; Bongers, Frans; Boukili, Vanessa K.S.; Brancalion, Pedro Henrique Santin; César, Ricardo Gomes; Clark, Deborah A.; Clark, David B.; Craven, Dylan; Defrancesco, Alexander; Dupuy, Juan Manuel; Finegan, Bryan; González-Jiménez, Eugenio; Hall, Jefferson Scott; Harms, Kyle E.; Hernández-Stefanoni, José Luis; Hietz, Peter; Kennard, Deborah K.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Lebrija-Trejos, Edwin E.; Lohbeck, Madelon; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Massoca, Paulo E.S.; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Mora, Francisco; Muscarella, Robert A.; Paz, Horacio; Pineda-García, Fernando; Powers, Jennifer Sarah; Quesada-Monge, Ruperto; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Sandor, Manette E.; Sanaphre-Villanueva, Lucía; Schüller, Elisabeth; Swenson, Nathan G.; Tauro, Alejandra; Uríarte, Ma?ia; Van Breugel, Michiel; Vargas-Ramírez, Orlando; Viani, Ricardo Augusto Gorne; Wendt, Amanda L.; Williamson, G. Bruce
2018Eunotia amazonica sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a common stalk-forming species from the Rio Negro basin (Brazilian Amazon)Almeida, Fabiane Ferreira de; Santos-Silva, Edinaldo Nelson; Ector, L.; Wetzel, C. E.
2019Examining the microclimate hypothesis in Amazonian birds: indirect tests of the ‘visual constraints’ mechanismRutt, Cameron L.; Midway, Stephen R.; Jirinec, Vitek; Wolfe, Jared D.; Stouffer, Philip C.
2012Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Environmental Factors and Longitudinal Position on Alpha and Beta Diversities of Aquatic Insects in a Neotropical StreamUbiratan Hepp, Luiz; Landeiro, Victor Lemes; Melo, Adriano Sanches
2020Experimental forest fragmentation alters Amazonian mixed-species flocksRutt, Cameron L.; Mokross, Karl S.; Kaller, Michael Douglas; Stouffer, Philip C.
2018First Record of Leucocytozoon (Haemosporida: Leucocytozoidae) in Amazonia: Evidence for Rarity in Neotropical Lowlands or Lack of Sampling for This Parasite Genus?Fecchio, Alan; Silveira, Patrícia; Weckstein, Jason D.; Dispoto, Janice H.; Anciães, Marina; Bosholn, Mariane; Tkach, Vasyl V.; Bell, Jeffrey Andrew
2007Floodplain lake fish assemblages in the Amazon River: Directions in conservation biologyGranado-Lorencio, Carlos; Cerviá, Javier Lobón; Lima, C. R.M.Araujo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Forest fragmentation alters microhabitat availability for Neotropical terrestrial insectivorous birdsStratford, Jeffrey A.; Stouffer, Philip C.
2012Fruit Removal and Natural Seed Dispersal of the Brazil Nut Tree (Bertholletia excelsa) in Central Amazonia, BrazilTuck Haugaasen, Joanne M.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Peres, Carlos A.; Gribel, Rogério; Wegge, Per
2011Gross anatomy and histology of giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) testesOliveira, Gabriel C. de; Barcellos, José Fernando Marques; Lazzarini, Stella Maris; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar
2012Habitat patch and matrix effects on small-mammal persistence in Amazonian forest fragmentsSantos Filho, Manoel dos; Peres, Carlos A.; Silva, Dionei José da; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete