Browsing by Author D'Angiolella, Annelise Batista

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Cryptic lineages and diversification of an endemic anole lizard (Squamata, Dactyloidae) of the Cerrado hotspotGuarnizo, Carlos E.; Werneck, F. P.; Giugliano, Lilian Gimenes; Santos, Marcella Gonçalves; Fenker, Jéssica; Sousa, Lucas; D'Angiolella, Annelise Batista; dos Santos, Adriana R.; Strüssmann, Christine; Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut; Dorado-Rodrigues, Tainá Figueras; Gamble, Tony; Colli, Guarino R.