Browsing by Author Ubiratan Hepp, Luiz

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Environmental Factors and Longitudinal Position on Alpha and Beta Diversities of Aquatic Insects in a Neotropical StreamUbiratan Hepp, Luiz; Landeiro, Victor Lemes; Melo, Adriano Sanches
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Plant litter dynamics in the forest-stream interface: Precipitation is a major control across tropical biomesTonin, Alan Mosele; Gonçalves, José Francisco Júnior; Bambi, Paulino; Couceiro, Sheyla R.M.; Feitoza, Lorrane A.M.; Fontana, Lucas Eugênio; Hamada, Neusa; Ubiratan Hepp, Luiz; Lezan-Kowalczuk, Vânia G.; Leite, Gustavo Figueiredo Marques; Lemes-Silva, Aurea Luiza; Lisboa, Leonardo Kleba; Loureiro, Rafael Chaves; Martins, Renato Tavares; Medeiros, Adriana Oliveira; Morais, Paula Benevides de; Moretto, Yara; Oliveria, Patrícia C.A.; Pereira, Evelyn B.; Ferreira, Lidiane P.; Pérez, Javier; Petrucio, Maurício Mello Mello; Reis, Deusiano F.; Rezende, Renan S.; Roque, Nádia; Santos, Luiz E.P.; Siegloch, Ana Emília; Tonello, Gabriela; Boyero, Luz