Browsing by Author Azevedo, Sidney G.

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Nanoemulsion Loaded with Volatile Oil from Piper alatipetiolatum as an Alternative Agent in the Control of Aedes aegyptiNunomura, Rita de Cássia Saraiva; Oliveira, André C. de; Sá, Ingrity S.C.; Mesquita, Rochelly S.; Pereira, Brenner L.; Pocrifka, Leandro Aparecido; de Souza, Tatiane Pereira; Rodríguez-Amado, Jesús Rafael; Azevedo, Sidney G.; Azevedo, Sidney G.; Sanches, Edgar Aparecido; Nunomura, Sergio M.; Roque, Rosemary Aparecida; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro