Browsing by Author Barnett, Adrian Ashton
Showing results 38 to 49 of 49
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Reconsidering the taxonomy of the black-faced uacaris, Cacajaomelanocephalus group (mammalia: pitheciidae), from the northern Amazon Basin | Ferrarim, Stephen F.; Guedes, Patrícia G.; Figueiredo-Ready, Wilsea M B; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2018 | The return of giant otter to the Baniwa Landscape: A multi-scale approach to species recovery in the middle Içana River, Northwest Amazonia, Brazil | Pimenta, Natalia Camps; Gonçalves, André Luis Sousa; Shepard, Glenn Harvey; Macedo, Valêncio W.; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2017 | Run, hide, or fight: anti-predation strategies in endangered red-nosed cuxiú (Chiropotes albinasus, Pitheciidae) in southeastern Amazonia | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Silla, João M.; Oliveira, Tadeu G. de; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Bezerra, Bruna; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Silva, Rafaela F.Soares da; Albuquerque Teixeira, Samara de; Todd, Lucy M.; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia | |
2021 | Sedimental Journey: Soil Fertility of Fluvial Islands Increases with Proximity to An Amazonian White-Water River | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Gomes, Erison; Oliveira, Regison; Figueiredo, Axa Simões; Quesada, Carlos Alberto Nobre; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Ferreira Neto, Gilson de Souza | |
2012 | Sleeping site selection by golden-backed uacaris, Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (Pitheciidae), in Amazonian flooded forests | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Shaw, Peter J.A.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Ross, Caroline | |
2012 | Terrestrial Activity in Pitheciins (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia) | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Norconk, Marilyn A.; Palminteri, Suzanne; Santos, Ricardo Rodrigues dos; Veiga, Liza M.; Alvim, Thiago H G; Bowler, Mark T.; Chism, Janice L.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Fernández-Duque, Eduardo; Guimarães, Ana C. P.; Harrison-Levine, Amy; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Lehman, Shawn M.; MacKinnon, Katherine C.; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Moreira, Leandro Santana; Moura, Viviane Sodré; Phillips, Carson R.; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia; Port-Carvalho, Marcio; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Shaffer, Christopher A.; Silva, Lívia Rodrigues da; Silva, Suleima do Socorro Bastos da; Soares, Rafaela F.; Thompson, Cynthia L.; Vieira, Tatiana Martins; Vreedzaam, Arioene; Walker-Pacheco, Suzanne E.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Ferrari, Stephen Francis | |
2019 | Terrestrial Behavior in Titi Monkeys (Callicebus, Cheracebus, and Plecturocebus): Potential Correlates, Patterns, and Differences between Genera | Souza-Alves, João Pedro; Mourthé, Ítalo M.C.; Hilário, Renato Richard; Bicca-Marques, Júlio César; Rehg, Jennifer A.; Gestich, Carla C.; Acero-Murcia, Adriana C.; Adret, Patrice; Aquino, Rolando; Berthet, Mélissa; Bowler, Mark T.; Calouro, Armando Muniz; Canale, Gustavo Rodrigues; Cardoso, Nayara de A.; Caselli, Christini Barbosa; Cäsar, Cristiane; Chagas, Renata Rocha Déda; Clyvia, Aryanne; Corsini, Cintia F.; Defler, Thomas R.; DeLuycker, Anneke M.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Dingess, Kimberly A.; Erkenswick, Gideon A.; Ferreira, Michele Alves; Fernández-Duque, Eduardo; Ferrari, Stephen Francis; Fontes, Isadora P.; Gomes, Josimar Daniel; Gonçalves, Frederico P.R.; Guerra, Maurício; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Heiduck, Stefanie; Heymann, Eckhard W.; Hodges, Shannon; Huashuayo-Llamocca, Rosario; Jerusalinsky, Leandro; Kasper, Carlos Benhur; Lawrence, Jenna; Lueffe, Teresa Magdalena; Lopes, Karine G.D.; Martínez, Jesús; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Messias, Mariluce Rezende; Nagy-Reis, Mariana B.; Nole, Inés; Paciência, Filipa M.D.; Palacios, Erwin; Poirier, Alice; Oliveira Porfírio, Grasiela Edith de; Porter, Amy M.; Price, Eluned C.; Printes, Rodrigo Cambará; Quintino, Erika Patrícia; Reis, Evandro Amato; Rocha, Alessandro; Rodríguez, Adriana; Röhe, Fábio; Rumíz, Damiàn Ignacio; Shanee, Sam; Santana, Marina M.; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Souza, Francisco Salatiel Clemente de; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Tirado Herrera, Emérita R.; Vinhas, Luana; Vulinec, Kevina; Wallace, Robert B.; Watsa, Mrinalini; Wright, Patricia Chapple; Young, Robert J.; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2012 | Terrestrial foraging by cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (primates) in Amazonian Brazil: Is choice of seed patch size and position related to predation risk? | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Almeida, Thais; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Silva, Welma Sousa; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Ross, Caroline | |
2019 | The Vocal Repertoire of Golden-Faced Sakis, Pithecia chrysocephala, and the Relationship Between Context and Call Structure | Muir, Jen; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Svensson, Magdalena S. | |
2017 | What bite marks can tell us: Use of on-fruit tooth impressions to study seed consumer identity and consumption patterns within a rodent assemblage | Antunes, Ana Carolina; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2018 | When predators become prey: Community-based monitoring of caiman and dolphin hunting for the catfish fishery and the broader implications on Amazonian human-natural systems | Pimenta, Natalia Camps; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Botero-Arias, Robinson; Marmontel, Míriam | |
2021 | Where to go when all options are terrible: Ranging behavior of brown-throated three-toed sloths (bradypus variegatus) in central amazonian flooded igapó forests | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Dias, Renann H.P. Silva; Sá, Matheus J. Castro |