Browsing by Author Farias, Izeni P.

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Showing results 72 to 88 of 88 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Redescription of the Amazonian tiny tree toad Amazophrynella minuta (Melin, 1941) (Anura: Bufonidae) from its type localityRojas, Rommel R.; Fouquet, Antoine; Carvalho, Vinícius Tadeu de; Ron, Santiago R.; Chaparro, Juan Carlos; Vogt, Richard Carl; Ávila, Róbson Waldemar; Farias, Izeni P.; Gordo, Marcelo; Hrbek, Tomas
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Reduction of genetic diversity of the Harpy Eagle in Brazilian tropical forestsBanhos, Aureo; Hrbek, Tomas; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Farias, Izeni P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Remarkable geographic structuring of rheophilic fishes of the lower Araguaia RiverHrbek, Tomas; Meliciano, Natasha V.; Zuanon, Jansen; Farias, Izeni P.
2017Reproductive biology of the endangered wattled curassow (Crax globulosa; Galliformes: Cracidae) in the Juruá River Basin, Western Brazilian AmazoniaLeite, Gabriel Augusto; Farias, Izeni P.; Peres, Carlos A.; Brooks, Daniel M.
2012Restricted natural hybridization between two species of litter frogs on a threatened landscape in southwestern Brazilian AmazoniaSimões, Pedro Ivo; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Farias, Izeni P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the AmazonFernandes, Alexandre Mendes; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Hrbek, Tomas; Farias, Izeni P.
2004Rivulus duckensis (Teleostei; Cyprinodontiformes): New species from the Tarumã Basin of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and its relationship to other neotropical rivulidaeHrbek, Tomas; Deus, C. P.; Farias, Izeni P.
2015Spatial and temporal patterns of diversification on the Amazon: A test of the riverine hypothesis for all diurnal primates of Rio Negro and Rio Branco in BrazilBoubli, Jean Philippe; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Lynch Alfaro, Jessica W.; Alfaro, Michael E.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Pinho, Gabriela Medeiros; Farias, Izeni P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020Systematics of Neotropical Spiny Mice, Genus Neacomys Thomas, 1900 (Rodentia: Cricetidae), from Southeastern Amazonia, with Descriptions of Three New SpeciesSemedo, Thiago Borges Fernandes; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Gutiérrez, Eliécer E.; Ferreira, Daniela Cristina; Nunes, Mario da Silva; Mendes-Oliveira, Ana Cristina; Farias, Izeni P.; Rossi, Rogério V.
2008A taxonomic reassessment of Cacajao melanocephalus Humboldt (1811), with the description of two new speciesBoubli, Jean Philippe; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Amado, Manuella Villar; Hrbek, Tomas; Pontual, Francisco Boavista; Farias, Izeni P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of Marmosa agilis peruana Tate, 1931 (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae), with comments on the morphological variation of Gracilinanus from central-western BrazilSemedo, Thiago Borges Fernandes; Brandaõ, Marcus Vinícius; Carmignotto, Ana Paula; Nunes, Mário S.; Farias, Izeni P.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Rossi, Rogério V.
2016Testing the Effects of Barriers on the Genetic Connectivity in Podocnemis erythrocephala (Red-Headed Amazon River Turtle): Implications for Management and Conservationdos Santos, Rafaela Cardoso; Neves Silva Viana, Maria das; dos Santos Monjeló, Luis Alberto; Andrade, Paulo César Machado; Pantoja-Lima, Jackson; Oliveira, Paulo Henrique Guimarães; Vogt, Richard Carl; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito; Sites, Jack Walter; Hrbek, Tomas; Farias, Izeni P.
2018Testing Wallace's intuition: water type, reproductive isolation and divergence in an Amazonian fishPires, Tiago H.S.; Borghezan, Elio A.; Machado, Valéria Nogueira; Powell, Daniel L.; Röpke, Cristhiana Paula; Oliveira, Claudio; Zuanon, Jansen; Farias, Izeni P.
2018Titi monkey biogeography: Parallel Pleistocene spread by Plecturocebus and Cheracebus into a post-Pebas Western AmazonByrne, Hazel; Lynch Alfaro, Jessica W.; Sampaio, Iracilda C.; Farias, Izeni P.; Schneider, Horácio; Hrbek, Tomas; Boubli, Jean Philippe
2021Uncertainty Regarding Species Delimitation, Geographic Distribution, and the Evolutionary History of South-Central Amazonian Titi Monkey Species (Plecturocebus, Pitheciidae)Boubli, Jean Philippe; Hrbek, Tomas; Messias, Mariluce Rezende; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Farias, Izeni P.; Araújo, Rodrigo Costa; Byrne, Hazel
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Uncovering the diversity in the amazophrynella minuta complex: Integrative taxonomy reveals a new species of amazophrynella (anura, bufonidae) from southern peruRojas, Rommel R.; Chaparro, Juan Carlos; Carvalho, Vinícius Tadeu de; Ávila, Róbson Waldemar; Farias, Izeni P.; Hrbek, Tomas; Gordo, Marcelo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014The value of including intraspecific measures of biodiversity in environmental impact surveys is highlighted by the Amazonian brilliant-thighed frog (Allobates femoralis)Simões, Pedro Ivo; Stow, Adam J.; Hödl, Walter; Amézquita, Adolfo; Farias, Izeni P.; Lima, Albertina Pimental