Browsing by Author Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | New Brazilian Floristic List Highlights Conservation Challenges | Forzza, Rafaela; Leitman, Paula M.; Lohmann, Lúcia Garcez; E., Nic Lughadha,; L.C., Maia,; Gustavo, Martinelli,; M., Menezes,; M.P., Morim,; A.L., Peixoto,; J.R., Pirani,; Prado, J.; J.F.A., Baumgratz,; L.P., Queiroz,; de, Souza, S.; V.C., Souza,; J.R., Stehmann,; L.S., Sylvestre,; B.M.T., Walter,; Zappi, Daniela C.; C.E.M., Bicudo,; D.A.L., Canhos,; A.A., Carvalho,; M.A., Nadruz Coelho,; Costa, C.; D.P., Costa,; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
2019 | A new species and two new records of besleria (gesneriaceae) from Brazil | Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano; Araújo, Andréa Onofre; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Chautems, Alain | |
2017 | A new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the western Amazon rainforest | Ferreira, Gabriel Emiliano; Araújo, Andréa Onofre de; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Chautems, Alain | |
2017 | A new species of corkscrew plant (Genlisea, Lentibulariaceae) from the Amazon lowlands of Brazil, including a key to all species occurring north of the Amazon River | Fleischmann, Andreas S.; Costa, Suzana Maria; Bittrich, Volker; Amaral, Maria do Carmo Estanislau do; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
2017 | Níveis de predação de sementes por besouros em arvores de Parkia discolor Spruce ex Benth. | Melo, Luiz Henrique Sampaio de | |
1984 | The parasite complex associated with stem-boring Apion (Col.: Curculionidae) feeding on Rumex species (Polygonaceae). | Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
![]() | 13-Mar-2019 | Parkia multijuga (fabaceae): interações multi-espécie e estratégias que maximizam a sobrevivência nos estágios iniciais de sua história de vida | Alves, Marcelo Menezes |
![]() | 2011 | Passiflora fissurosa, a new species of passifloraceae from amazon, Brazil | Souza, Maria Anália Duarte de; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert |
1999 | Passifloraceae | Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
1999 | Peridiscaceae | Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
2010 | Peridscaceae | Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
2015 | Phenotypic differences are not explained by pre-zygotic reproductive barriers in sympatric varieties of the Humiria balsamifera complex (Humiriaceae) | Holanda, Ana Sofia Sousa de; Vicentini, Alberto; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Zartman, Charles Eugene | |
Jun-2018 | Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Neotropical genus Besleria (Gesneriaceae) | Silva, Gabriel Emiliano Ferreira | |
2021 | Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the pantropical genus Parkia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) | Oliveira, Lorena Conceição; Rodrigues, Doriane Picanço; Hopkins, Helen C. Fortune; Lewis, Gwilym Peter; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
1982 | Predation by a snake of a flower-visiting bat at Parkia nitida (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). | Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Hopkins, Helen Collingwood Fortune | |
1993 | Rediscovery of Mucuna macropoda (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), and its pollination by bats in Papua, New Guine | Hopkins, Helen Collingwood Fortune; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert | |
![]() | 1994 | Reserva Florestal Ducke: Diversidade E Composição Da Flora Vascular | Ribeiro, José Eduardo Lahoz S.; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Silva, Marlene Freitas da; Martins, Luisa Suely S.; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert |
![]() | 2002 | Riqueza, abundância e Distribuição do Gênero Psychotria L. (Rubiaceae) na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Manaus - AM /) | Kinupp, Valdely Ferreira |
![]() | 1-Sep-2020 | Sistemática e Biogeografia de Parkia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinoideae, clado mimosoide) | Oliveira, Lorena Conceição |
2010 | Síntese da Diodiversidade Brasileira | Forzza, Rafaela; Lohmann, Lúcia Garcez; Maia, L.C.; Martinelli, Gustavo; Menezes, M.; Morim, M.P.; Nadruz Coelho, M.A.; Peixoto, A.L.; Pirani, J.R.; Prado, J; Queiroz, L.P.; Baumgratz, J.F.A.; Souza, S. de; Stehmann, J.R.; Sylvestre, L.S.; Walter, B.M.T.; ZAPPI, Daniela C.; Bicudo, C.E.M.; Canhos, D.A.L.; Carvalho, A.A.; Costa, A.; Costa, D.P.; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Leitman, P.A. |