Browsing by Author Kassim, Abd Rahman

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2012What controls tropical forest architecture? Testing environmental, structural and floristic driversBanin, Lindsay F.; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Baker, Timothy R.; Lloyd, Jon; Affum-Baffoe, Kofi; Arets, Eric J.M.M.; Berry, Nicholas J.; Bradford, Matt G.; Brienen, Roel J.W.; Davies, Stuart James; Drescher, Michael; Higuchi, Niro; Hilbert, David W.; Hladik, Annette; Iida, Yoshiko; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Kassim, Abd Rahman; King, David A.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Metcalfe, Daniel J.; Nilus, Reuben; Peh, Kelvin S.H.; Reitsma, Jan M.; Sonké, Bonaventure; Taedoumg, Hermann E.; Tan, Sylvester Kheng San; White, Lee J.T.; Wöll, Hannsjörg; Lewis, Simon L.