Browsing by Author Lavelle, Patrick M.

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Showing results 6 to 9 of 9 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001The role of macrofauna in the transformation and reversibility of soil structure of an oxisol in the process of forest to pasture conversionBarros, Eleusa; Curmi, Pierre; Hallaire, Vincent; Chauvel, Armand; Lavelle, Patrick M.
2006Soil macrofauna communities in Brazilian AmazoniaBarros, Eleusa; Mathieu, Jérôme; Tapia-Coral, Sandra C.; Nascimentol, A. R L; Lavelle, Patrick M.
2004Soil macrofaunal communities in permanent pastures derived from tropical forest or savannaDecaëns, Thibaud; Jiménez, Juan José; Barros, Eleusa; Chauvel, Armand; Blanchart, Éric; Fragoso, Carlos E.; Lavelle, Patrick M.
2004Soil physical degradation and changes in macrofaunal communities in Central AmazonBarros, Eleusa; Grimaldi, Michel; Sarrazin, Max; Chauvel, Armand; Mitja, Danielle; Desjardins, Thierry; Lavelle, Patrick M.