Browsing by Author Lovejoy, Thomas E.
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | Late twentieth-century trends in tree-community composition in an Amazonian forest | Laurance, William F.; Oliveira, Alexandre Adalardo de; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Condit, Richard S.; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Dick, Christopher W.; Sanchez-Thorin, Ana C.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Ribeiro, José Eduardo L.S. | |
2006 | Local extinctions in flocking birds in Amazonian forest fragments | Van Houtan, Kyle; Pimm, Stuart; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Stouffer, Philip C. | |
![]() | 2020 | Long-term change in the avifauna of undisturbed Amazonian rainforest: ground-foraging birds disappear and the baseline shifts | Stouffer, Philip C.; Jirinec, Vitek; Rutt, Cameron L.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Hernández-Palma, Angélica; Johnson, Erik I.; Midway, Stephen R.; Powell, Luke L.; Wolfe, Jared D.; Lovejoy, Thomas E. |
2014 | Long-term changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics in undisturbed Amazonian forests | Laurance, William F.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Magrach, Ainhoa; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Valsko, Jefferson José; Campbell, Mason J.; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Edwards, Will; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Laurance, Susan G.W. | |
2006 | Long-term landscape change and bird abundance in Amazonian rainforest fragments | Stouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Strong, Cheryl M.; Lovejoy, Thomas E. | |
1999 | Matrix habitat and species richness in tropical forest remnants | Gascon, Claude; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Malcolm, Jay R.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Laurance, William F.; Zimmerman, Barbara L.; Tocher, Mandy D.; Borges, Sérgio Henrique | |
2018 | Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees | Bastin, Jean François; Rutishauser, Ervan; Kellner, James R.; Saatchi, Sassan S.; Pélissier, Raphaël; Hérault, Bruno; Slik, Ferry J.W.; Bogaert, Jan; Cannière, Charles de; Marshall, Andrew Robert; Poulsen, John R.; Alvarez-Loyayza, Patricia; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Angbonga-Basia, Albert; Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Ayyappan, Narayanan; Azevedo, Celso Paulo de; Bánki, Olaf S.; Barbier, Nicolas S.; Barroso, Jorcely; Beeckman, Hans; Bitariho, Robert; Boeckx, Pascal; Boehning-Gaese, Katrin; Brandão, Hilandia; Brearley, Francis Q.; Mireille, Breuer-ndoundou Hockemba,; Brienen, Roel J.W.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa; Cassart, Benoît; Chave, Jérôme; Chazdon, Robin L.; Chuyong, George Bindeh; Clark, David B.; Clark, Connie J.; Condit, Richard S.; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Davidar, Priya; Haulleville, Thalès de; Descroix, Laurent; Doucet, Jean Louis; Dourdain, Aurélie; Droissart, Vincent; Duncan, Tom; Silva-Espejo, Javier Eduardo; Espinosa, Santiago; Farwig, Nina; Fayolle, Adeline; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Ferraz, António; Fletcher, Christine Dawn; Gajapersad, Krisna; Gillet, Jean François; Amaral, Iêda Leão do; Gonmadje, Christelle Flore; Grogan, James; Harris, David J.; Herzog, Sebastian K.; Homeier, Jürgen; Hubau, Wannes; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Hufkens, Koen; Hurtado, Johanna; Kamdem, Narcisse Guy; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Kenfack, David; Kessler, Michael; Labrière, Nicolas; Laumonier, Yves; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Laurance, William F.; Lewis, Simon L.; Libalah, Moses Bakonck; Ligot, Gauthier; Lloyd, Jon; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Marimon Júnior, Ben Hur; Martin, Emanuel H.; Matius, Paulus; Meyer, Victoria; Mendoza Bautista, Casimero; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Mtui, Arafat S.; Neill, David A.; Parada Gutierrez, Germaine Alexander; Pardo, Guido; Parren, Marc P.E.; Parthasarathy, Narayanaswamy; Phillips, Oliver L.; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Ploton, Pierre; Ponette, Quentin; Ramesh, Brahmasamudra Ranganna; Razafimahaimodison, Jean Claude A.; Réjou-Méchain, Maxime; Rolim, Samir Gonçalves; Romero-Saltos, Hugo; Rossi, Luiz Marcelo Brum; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Rovero, F.; Saner, Philippe; Sasaki, Denise; Schulze, Mark D.; Silveira, Marcos; Singh, James; Sist, Plinio L.J.; Sonké, Bonaventure; Soto, J. Daniel; Souza, Cíntia Rodrigues de; Stropp, Juliana; Sullivan, Martin J.P.; Swanepoel, Ben; Steege, Hans Ter; Terborgh, John W.; Texier, Nicolas; Toma, Takeshi; Valencia, Renato L.; Valenzuela, Luis; Ferreira, Leandro Valle; Valverde, Fernando Cornejo; van Andel, Tinde; Vasque, Rodolfo; Verbeeck, Hans; Vivek, Pandi; Jason, Vleminckx,; Vos, Vincent A.; Wagner, Fabien H.; Warsudi, Papi Puspa; Wortel, Verginia; Zagt, Roderick J.; Zebaze, Donatien | |
2019 | Persistent effects of fragmentation on tropical rainforest canopy structure after 20 yr of isolation | Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves de; Stark, Scott C.; Schietti, Juliana; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Amazonas, Nino Tavares; Görgens, Eric Bastos; Rosa, Diogo M.; Smith, Marielle N.; Valbuena, Rubén; Saleska, Scott Reid; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Laurance, William F.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Broadbent, Eben N.; Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Lefsky, Michael Andrew; Silva, Carlos Alberto; Brancalion, Pedro Henrique Santin | |
2017 | Predicted trajectories of tree community change in Amazonian rainforest fragments | Ewers, Robert M.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Laurance, William F. | |
2011 | Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity | Gibson, Luke; Lee, Tienming; Koh, Lian Pin; Brook, Barry W.; Gardner, Toby Alan; Barlow, Jos; Peres, Carlos A.; Bradshaw, Corey J.A.; Laurance, William F.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Sodhi, Navjot S. | |
2001 | Principles of forest fragmentation and conservation in the Amazon | Jr, Richard O Bierregaard; Oliveira, Marcio Luiz de; Scariot, Aldicir; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Williamson, Bruce Gary; Laurance, William F; Gascon, Claude; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Fonseca, Carlos R; Ganade, Gislene; Malcolm, Jay R; Martins, Marlucia; Mori, Scot A | |
2001 | Rain forest fragmentation and the structure of Amazonian liana communities | Laurance, William F.; Pérez-Salicrup, Diego R.; Delamônica, Patricia; Fearnside, Philip Martin; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra; Jerozolinski, Adriano; Pohl, Luciano; Lovejoy, Thomas E. | |
2003 | Rain-forest fragmentation and the phenology of Amazonian tree communities | Laurance, William F.; Rankin-de Mérona, Judy M.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. | |
2000 | Rainforest fragmentation kills big trees | Laurance, William F.; Delamônica, Patricia; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Lovejoy, Thomas E. | |
![]() | 2006 | Rapid decay of tree-community composition in Amazonian forest fragments | Laurance, William F.; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Ribeiro, José Eduardo L.S.; Giraldo, Juan Pablo; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Condit, Richard S.; Chave, Jérôme; Harms, Kyle E.; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra |
![]() | 2003 | Rates of species loss from Amazonian forest fragments | Ferraz, Gonçalo; Russell, Gareth J.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Pimm, Stuart; Lovejoy, Thomas E. |
1999 | Relationship between soils and Amazon forest biomass: A landscape-scale study | Laurance, William F.; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Delamônica, Patricia; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Rankin-de Mérona, Judy M.; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Gascon, Claude | |
2017 | Removing the abyss between conservation science and policy decisions in Brazil | Azevedo-Santos, Valter Monteiro de; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Oliveira, Caroline S.; Padial, André Andrian; Pelicice, Fernando Mayer; Lima-Junior, D. P.; Simberloff, Daniel S.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Magalhães, André Lincoln Barroso de; Orsi, M. L.; Agostinho, A. A.; Esteves, Franscisco de Assis; dos Santos Pompeu, Paulo; Laurance, William F.; Petrere, Miguel; Mormul, Roger Paulo; Simões Vitule, Jean Ricardo | |
2001 | Selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon: its relationship to deforestation and the international tropical hardwood market. | Higuchi, Niro | |
2001 | Stingless bees (Meliponini) and orchid bees (Euglossini) in terra firme tropical forests and forests fragments | Oliveira, Marcio Luiz de |