Browsing by Author Melack, John M.

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Showing results 10 to 28 of 28 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Floodplain ecosystem processesMelack, John M.; Novo, Evlyn M.L.M.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Maurice, L.
2013Floodplain Ecosystem ProcessesMelack, John M.; Novo, Evlyn M.L.M.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Maurice, L.
2009Floodplain Ecosystem ProcessesMelack, John M.; Novo, Evlyn M L M; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Maurice, Laurence
2018High rates of methane oxidation in an Amazon floodplain lakeBarbosa, Pedro Maia; Farjalla, Vinícius Fortes; Melack, John M.; Amaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Silva, Jonismar S. da; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2015The importance of forest cover for fish richness and abundance on the Amazon floodplainLobón-Cerviä, Javier; Hess, Laura Lorraine; Melack, John M.; Araújo-Lima, Carlos Alberto Rego Monteiro
2018Influence of plankton metabolism and mixing depth on CO2 dynamics in an Amazon floodplain lakeAmaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Borges, Alberto V.; Melack, John M.; Sarmento, Hugo; Barbosa, Pedro Maia; Kasper, Daniele; Melo, Michaela Ladeira de; Fex-Wolf, Daniela de; Silva, Jonismar S. da; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2021Inundation, Hydrodynamics and Vegetation Influence Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Amazon Floodplain LakesAmaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Melack, John M.; Barbosa, Pedro Maia; Borges, Alberto Vieira; Kasper, Daniele; Cortés, Alicia; Zhou, Wencai; MacIntyre, Sally; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2021Large Seasonal and Habitat Differences in Methane Ebullition on the Amazon FloodplainBarbosa, Pedro Maia; Melack, John M.; Amaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Linkhorst, Annika; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2007Methane release below a tropical hydroelectric damKemenes, Alexandre; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Melack, John M.
2007Modeling large-scale inundation of Amazonian seasonally flooded wetlandsWilson, Matthew D.; Bates, Paul; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Horritt, Matthew S.; Melack, John M.; Frappart, Frédéric; Famiglietti, James S.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017The potential impact of new Andean dams on Amazon fluvial ecosystemsForsberg, Bruce Rider; Melack, John M.; Dunne, Thomas; Barthem, Ronaldo Borges; Goulding, Michael; Paiva, Rodrigo C.D.; Sorribas, Mino Viana; Silva, Urbano L.; Weisser, Sabine
2016Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon basinSorribas, Mino Viana; Paiva, Rodrigo C.D.; Melack, John M.; Bravo, Juan Martin; Jones, Charles; Carvalho, Leila M.V.; Beighley, Edward; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Costa, Marcos Heil
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of Amazon hydropower with strategic dam planningAlmeida, Rafael M.; Shi, Qinru; Gomes-Selman, Jonathan M.; Wu, Xiaojian; Xue, Yexiang; Angarita, Héctor A.; Barros, Nathan Oliveira; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; García-Villacorta, Roosevelt; Hamilton, Stephen K.; Melack, John M.; Montoya, Mariana; Perez, Guillaume; Sethi, Suresh Andrew; Gomes, Carla P.; Flecker, Alexander S.
2017Regional and seasonal variability in planktonic photosynthesis and planktonic community respiration in Amazon floodplain lakesForsberg, Bruce Rider; Melack, John M.; Richey, Jeffrey E.; Pimentel, Tânia Pena
2004Regionalization of methane emissions in the Amazon Basin with microwave remote sensingMelack, John M.; Hess, Laura Lorraine; Gastil, Mary; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Hamilton, Stephen Kimber; Lima, Ivan Bergier Tavares; Novo, Evlyn M.L.M.
2019Seasonal and spatial variability of CO 2 in aquatic environments of the central lowland Amazon basinAmaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Farjalla, Vinícius Fortes; Melack, John M.; Kasper, Daniele; Scofield, Vinicius; Barbosa, Pedro Maia; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
1995Spatial patterns of hydrology, geomorphology, and vegetation on the floodplain of the Amazon river in Brazil from a remote sensing perspectiveMertes, Leal A.K.; Daniel, Darin L.; Melack, John M.; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Martinelli, Luiz Antônio; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Turbulence and Gas Transfer Velocities in Sheltered Flooded Forests of the Amazon BasinMacIntyre, Sally; Fernandes Amaral, Joao H.; Barbosa, Pedro Maia; Cortés, Alicia; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Melack, John M.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1983Vertical Distribution Of Zooplankton And Physico-Chemical Conditions During A 24-Hour Period In An Amazon Floodplain Lake - Lago Calado, BrazilFisher, Thomas R.; Melack, John M.; Robertson, Barbara A.; Hardy, Elsa Rodrigues; Alves, Luiz Fernando