Browsing by Author Parolin, Pia

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Showing results 53 to 59 of 59 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000The flood pulse and photosynthetic response of trees in a white water floodplain (várzea) of the Central Amazon, BrazilPiedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Junk, W J; Parolin, Pia
2010The Role of Floodplain Forests in an Integrated Sustainable Management Concept of the Natural Resources of the Central Amazonian VárzeaJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria T. F.; Wittmann, Florian; Schongart, Jochen
2010The Role of Floodplain Forests in an Integrated Sustainable Management Concept of the Natural Resources of the Central Amazonian VárzeaJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian; Schongart, Jochen
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Tolerância de Himatanthus sucuuba Wood. (Apocynaceae) ao alagamento na Amazônia CentralFerreira, Cristiane; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Parolin, Pia; Barbosa, Keillah Mara
2010Traditional Timber Harvesting in the Central Amazonian Floodplain ForestsSchongart, Jochen; Queiroz, Helder L.
2010Tree Phenology in Amazonian Floodplain ForestsParolin, Pia; Wittmann, Florian; Schongart, Jochen
2006Wood specific gravity of trees in Amazonian white-water forests in relation to floodingWittmann, Florian Karl; Schöngart, Jochen; Parolin, Pia; Worbes, Martin; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes