Browsing by Author Santana, Raoni Aquino Silva de

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Showing results 6 to 7 of 7 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Is There a Classical Inertial Sublayer Over the Amazon Forest?Dias Júnior, Cléo Quaresma; Dias, Nelson Luís da Costa; dos Santos, Rosa Maria Nascimento; Sörgel, Matthias; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Tsokankunku, Anywhere; Ditas, Florian; Santana, Raoni Aquino Silva de; Randow, Celso Von; Marta, S. Á.; Pöhlker, Christopher; Machado, Luiz Augusto Toledo; Sá, Leonardo Deane de; Morán-Zuloaga, Daniel; Janssen, Ruud H.H.; Acevedo, Otávio C.; Oliveira, Pablo E.S.; Fisch, Gilberto Fernando; Chor, Tomás L.; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Leaf phenology as one important driver of seasonal changes in isoprene emissions in central AmazoniaAlves, Eliane Gomes; Tóta, Júlio; Turnipseed, Andrew A.; Guenther, Alex B.; Vega Bustillos, José Oscar W.; Santana, Raoni Aquino Silva de; Cirino, Glauber G.; Tavares, Julia Valentim; Lopes, Aline Pontes; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Gu, Dasa; Stavrakou, Trissevgeni; Adams, David K.; Wu, Jin; Saleska, Scott Reid; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar