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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Conversion of secondary forest into agroforestry and monoculture plantations in Amazonia: Consequences for biomass, litter and soil carbon stocks after 7 yearsSchroth, G?otz; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra; Teixeira, Wenceslau Geraldes; Haag, Daniel; Lieberei, Reinhard
2004Extractive use, management and in situ domestication of a weedy palm, Astrocaryum tucuma, in the central AmazonSchroth, G?otz; Mota, M. S.S. da; Lopes, Ricardo; Freitas, A. F. de
2006The future of deforestation in the Brazilian AmazonKirby, Kathryn R.; Laurance, William F.; Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira; Schroth, G?otz; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Bergen, Scott; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Costa, Carlos da
2001Growth, yields and mineral nutrition of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) in two multi-strata agroforestry systems on a ferralitic amazonian upland soil at four fertilization levelsSchroth, G?otz; Elias, M. E.A.; Macêdo, Jeferson L.V.; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra; Lieberei, Reinhard
2004Increasing the profitability of traditional, planted rubber agroforests at the Tapajós river, Brazilian AmazonSchroth, G?otz; Moraes, Vicente Haroldo de Figueiredo; Mota, M. S.S. da
2002Mineral nutrition of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) in Amazonian agroforestry and recommendations for foliar analysisSchroth, G?otz; Elias, M. E.A.; Macêdo, Jeferson L.V.; Mota, M. S.S.; Lieberei, Reinhard
2002Mineral nutrition, growth and yields of annatto trees (Bixa orellana) in agroforestry on an Amazonian FerralsolElias, M. E.A.; Schroth, G?otz; Macêdo, Jeferson L.V.; Mota, M. S.S.; D'Angelo, Sammya Agra
2001Nutrient fluxes in rainfall, throughfall and stemflow in tree-based land use systems and spontaneous tree vegetation of central AmazoniaSchroth, G?otz; Elias, M. E.A.; Uguen, K.; Seixas, Rosangela; Zech, Wolfgang
2002Predictors of deforestation in the Brazilian AmazonLaurance, William F.; Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira; Schroth, G?otz; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Bergen, Scott; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Costa, Carlos da
2003Root interactions between young Eucalyptus deglupta trees and competitive grass species in contour stripsSchaller, Michaela; Schroth, G?otz; Beer, John W.; Jiménez, Francisco
2003Rubber agroforests at the Tapajós river, Brazilian Amazon - Environmentally benign land use systems in an old forest frontier regionSchroth, G?otz; Coutinho, Paulo; Moraes, Vicente Haroldo de Figueiredo; Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira
2001Soil nitrogen mineralization under tree crops and a legume cover crop in multi-strata agroforestry in central Amazonia: Spatial and temporal patternsSchroth, G?otz; Salazar, E.; Silva, José Pereira da
2003Species and site characteristics that permit the association of fast-growing trees with crops: The case of Eucalyptus deglupta as coffee shade in Costa RicaSchaller, Michaela; Schroth, G?otz; Beer, John W.; Jiménez, Francisco