Browsing by Author Zartman, Charles Eugene

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Showing results 93 to 95 of 95 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020What do tropical cryptogams reveal? Strong genetic structure in Amazonian bryophytesLedent, Alice; Gauthier, Jérémy; Pereira, Martinha; Overson, Rick P.; Laenen, Benjamin; Mardulyn, Patrick; Gradstein, Stephan Robbert; de Haan, Myriam D.; Ballings, Petra; van der Beeten, Iris; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Vanderpoorten, Alain
2013Will the real Syrrhopodon leprieurii please stand up? The influence of topography and distance on phenotypic variation in a widespread Neotropical moss.Pereira, Marta Regina; Dambros, Cristian de S.; Zartman, Charles Eugene
2017Xylopia annoniflora (Annonaceae): A new species from central amazoniaPombo, Maihyra M.; Johnson, David Mark S.; Chatrou, Lars Willem; Zartman, Charles Eugene