Browsing by Author Almeida, Ana Paula Gottlieb

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Digestive enzymes and parasitology of Nile tilapia juveniles raised in brackish biofloc water and fed with different digestible protein and digestible energy levelsDurigon, Emerson Giuliani; Almeida, Ana Paula Gottlieb; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Emerenciano, Maur?cio
2018Essential oils and eugenol as anesthetics for serrasalmus rhombeusAlmeida, Ana Paula Gottlieb; Maria Heinzmann, Berta; Val, Adalberto Luis; Baldisserotto, Bernardo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Stress-reducing and anesthetic effects of the essential oils of aloysia triphylla and lippia alba on serrasalmus eigenmanni (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae)Almeida, Ana Paula Gottlieb; Correia, Tiago Gabriel; Maria Heinzmann, Berta; Val, Adalberto Luis; Baldisserotto, Bernardo