Browsing by Author Del-Claro, Kleber

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2018Brazilian legislation on genetic heritage harms biodiversity convention goals and threatens basic biology research and educationAlves, Ruy Jose Valka; Weksler, Marcelo; Oliveira, J. A.; Buckup, Paulo Andreas; Pombal Júnior, José Perez; Santana, Hélcio R.G.; Lúcio, Peracchi, Adriano; Kellner, Alexander W.A.; Aleixo, Alexandre; Bonino, Alfredo Ricardo L.; Almeida, Alzira Maria Paiva de; Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Zilberberg, Carla; Grelle, Carlos Eduardo V.Viveiros; Rocha, Carlos Frederico D. da; Lamas, Carlos José Einicker; Haddad, Célio Fernando Baptista; Bonvícino, Cibele Rodrigues; Prado, Cynthia P. A.; Lima, Daniela Oliveira de; Rossaferes, Denise C.; Santos, Fabrício Rodrigues dos; Salimena, Fátima Regina Gonçalves; Perini, Fernando Araújo; Bockmann, Flávio Alicino; Franco, Francisco Luís; del Giúdice, Gisele Mendes Lessa; Colli, Guarino R.; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Cèlia; Marinho-Filho*, Jader Soares; Werneck, Jane M.C.F.; dos Santos, Jorge A.D.; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Nessimian, Jorge; Cordeiro, José Luís Passos; Del-Claro, Kleber; Salles, Leandro O.; Casatti, Lilian; Py-Danie, Lucia Helena R.; Silveira, Luis Fabio; Felipe, Toledo, Luís; Oliveira, Luiz Flamarion B. de; Malabarba, Luiz R.; Silva, Marcelo D. da; Couri, M. S.; Martins, Marcio; Tavares, Marcos; Sobral, Marcos Eduardo Guerra; Vieira, Marcus Vinícius; Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Aguiar; Pinna, Mário César Cardoso de; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Sol?, Mirco; Menezes, Naércio Aquino; Passos, Paulo; D'Andrea, Paulo Sérgio; Pinto, Pedro C.E.A.; Viana, Pedro Lage; Toledo, Peter Mann de; dos Reis, Roberto E.; Vilela, Roberto V.; Bastos, Rogério Pereira; Collevatti, Rosane Garcia; Silva, Rui C.; Fisher, Santiago C.; Caramaschi, Ulisses
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Color changing and behavioral context in the Amazonian dwarf cichlid Apistogramma hippolytae (Perciformes)Rodrigues, Raoni Rosa; Carvalho, Lucélia Nobre; Zuanon, Jansen; Del-Claro, Kleber
2004Effects of predation pressure on the feeding behaviour of the serpa tetra Hyphessobrycon eques (Ostariophysi, Characidae)Carvalho, Lucélia Nobre; Del-Claro, Kleber
2007Feeding habits and habitat use of three sympatric piranha species in the Pantanal wetland of BrazilCarvalho, Lucélia Nobre; Arruda, Rafael; Raizer, Josué; Del-Claro, Kleber
2006Host specificity of a Brazilian mistletoe, Struthanthus aff. polyanthus (Loranthaceae), in cerrado tropical savannaArruda, Rafael; Carvalho, Lucélia Nobre; Del-Claro, Kleber
2012Reproductive behavior of the Amazonian dwarf cichlid Apistogramma hippolytae Kullander, 1982: Offsetting costs and benefitsRodrigues, Raoni Rosa; Zuanon, Jansen; Del-Claro, Kleber; Carvalho, Lucélia Nobre