Browsing by Author Lima, Albertina P.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Back from the deaf: integrative taxonomy revalidates an earless and mute species, Hylodes grandoculis van Lidth de Jeude, 1904, and confirms a new species of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Eastern Guiana ShieldKok, Philippe J. R.; Ernst, Raffael; Mônico, Alexander T.; Lima, Albertina P.; Jairam, Rawien; Peloso, Pedro; Fouquet, Antoine
Feb-2023Diverse anthropogenic disturbances shift Amazon forests along a structural spectrumSmith, Marielle N.; Stark, Scott C.; Taylor, Tyeen C.; Schietti, Juliana; Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves de; Aragón, Susan; Torralvo, Kelly; Lima, Albertina P.; Oliveira, Gabriel de; Assis, Rafael Leandro de; Leitold, Veronika; Pontes-Lopes, Aline; Scoles, Ricardo; Sousa Vieira, Luciana Cristina de; Resende, Angelica Faria; Coppola, Alysha I.; Brandão, Diego Oliveira; Athaydes Silva Junior, João de; Lobato, Laura F.; Freitas, Wagner; Almeida, Daniel; Souza, Mendell S.; Minor, David M.; Villegas, Juan Camilo; Law, Darin J; Gonçalves, Nathan; Rocha, Daniel Gomes da; Marcelino Carneiro, Guedes; Tonini, Hélio; Silva, Kátia Emídio da; van Haren, Joost; Rosa, Diogo Martins; Valle, Dalton Freitas do; Cordeiro, Carlos Leandro; Lima, Nicolas Zaslavsky de; Shao, Gang; Menor, Imma Oliveras; Conti, Georgina; Florentino, Ana Paula; Montti, Lía; Aragão, Luiz E.O.C.; McMahon, Sean M.; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Breshears, David D.; Costa, Antonio Carlos Lola da; Magnusson, William E.; Mesquita, Rita; Camargo, José Luís C.; Oliveira, Raimundo C. de; Camargo, Plinio B. de; Saleska, Scott R.; Nelson, Bruce Walker
1992Effects of Prey Size and Foraging Mode on The Ontogenetic Change In The Feeding Niche Of Colostethus Stepheni (Anura:Dendrobatidae)Lima, Albertina P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017The peculiar breeding biology of the Amazonian frog Allobates subfolionidificans (Aromobatidae)Souza, Jesus R.D.; Kaefer, Igor L.; Lima, Albertina P.