Browsing by Author Macedo, M. L.R.

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2021A new Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from Erythrina poeppigiana exhibits antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties against bacteriaMacedo, M. L.R.; Oliveira, Caio Fernando Ramalho de; Weber, Simone Schneider; Pontes, Gemilson Soares; Oliveira, Daniella Gorete Lourenço de; Ramalho, Suellen Rodrigues; Macedo, Alexandre José; Maria Neto, Simone; Sardi, Janaina De Cassia Orlandi; Barros, Karina Margareti Alencar de
2009Properties of a kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor from delonix regia seeds against digestive proteinases of anagasta kuehniella (Z.) and corcyra cephalonica (S.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)Macedo, M. L.R.; Pando, Silvana Cristina; Chevreuil, Larissa Ramos; Marangoni, Sérgio