Browsing by Author Martins, Amely B.

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Capuchin monkey biogeography: understanding Sapajus Pleistocene range expansion and the current sympatry between Cebus and SapajusLima, Marcela Guimarães Moreira; Buckner, Janet C.; Silva Júnior, José de Sousa e; Aleixo, Alexandre; Martins, Amely B.; Boubli, Jean Philippe; Link, Andrés; Farias, Izeni P.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Röhe, Fábio; Queiroz, Helder Lima de; Chiou, Kenneth L.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Alfaro, Michael E.; Lynch Alfaro, Jessica W.