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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009AN annotated checklist of ferns and lycophytes from the biological reserve of uATUMÃ, an area with patches of rich-soils in central amazonia, BRAZILZuquim, Gabriela; Prado, J.; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto
2012Broad Scale Distribution of Ferns and Lycophytes along Environmental Gradients in Central and Northern Amazonia, BrazilZuquim, Gabriela; Tuomisto, Hanna; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Prado, J.; Magnusson, William Ernest; Pimentel, Tânia Pena; Braga-Neto, Ricardo; Figueiredo, Fernando Oliveira Gouvêa
2010Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do BrasilForzza, Rafaela; Maia, L.C.; Martinelli, Gustavo; Menezes, M.; Morim, M.P.; Nadruz Coelho, M.A.; Peixoto, A.L.; Pirani, J.R.; Prado, J.; Queiroz, L.P.; Souza, V.C.; Baumgratz, J.F.A.; Stehmann, J.R.; Sylvestre, L.S.; Walter, B.M.T.; ZAPPI, Daniela C.; Bicudo, C.E.M.; Carvalho, A.A.; Costa, A.; Costa, D.P.; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert; Leitman, P.A.; Lohmann, Lúcia Garcez
2009Distribution of pteridophyte communities along environmental gradients in Central Amazonia, BrazilZuquim, Gabriela; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Prado, J.; Braga-Neto, Ricardo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Flora of the Ducke Reserve, Amazon rainforest, Brazil: Pteridophyte - SelaginellaceaePrado, J.; Freitas, Carlos A.A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Flora of the Ducke Reserve, Central Amazon, Brazil: Pteridophyte - CyatheaceaePrado, J.; Freitas, Carlos A.A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Flora of the Ducke Reserve, Central Amazon, Brazil: Pteridophyte - DryopteridaceaeFreitas, Carlos A.A.; Prado, J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Flora of the Ducke Reserve, Central Amazon, Brazil: Pteridophyte - MetaxyaceaeCosta, Maria Auxiliadora S.; Prado, J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Flora of the Ducke Reserve, Central Amazon, Brazil: Pteridophyte - OphioglossaceaeCosta, Maria Auxiliadora S.; Prado, J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2006Lista anotada das pteridófitas de florestas inundáveis do alto Rio Negro, Município de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, AM, Brasil.Prado, J.; Freitas, Carlos Alberto Alves de
2012New Brazilian Floristic List Highlights Conservation ChallengesForzza, Rafaela; Leitman, Paula M.; Lohmann, Lúcia Garcez; E., Nic Lughadha,; L.C., Maia,; Gustavo, Martinelli,; M., Menezes,; M.P., Morim,; A.L., Peixoto,; J.R., Pirani,; Prado, J.; J.F.A., Baumgratz,; L.P., Queiroz,; de, Souza, S.; V.C., Souza,; J.R., Stehmann,; L.S., Sylvestre,; B.M.T., Walter,; Zappi, Daniela C.; C.E.M., Bicudo,; D.A.L., Canhos,; A.A., Carvalho,; M.A., Nadruz Coelho,; Costa, C.; D.P., Costa,; Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert
2014Predicting environmental gradients with fern species composition in Brazilian AmazoniaZuquim, Gabriela; Tuomisto, Hanna; Jones, Mirkka M.; Prado, J.; Figueiredo, Fernando Oliveira Gouvêa; Moulatlet, Gabriel M.; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Emilio, Thaise
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2007Sample effort reduction vs. information retention in inventories of pteridophytes in Central AmazoniaZuquim, Gabriela; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Prado, J.