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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1980Adaptation of constant effort sampling and of removal trapping for the estimation of populations of microscopic organisms in dense substrates ()Walker, Ilse; Lages, Maryolanda Trindade
1995Amazonian streams and small riversWalker, Ilse
2002The benthic insect fauna of the blackwater forest stream Rio Tarumã-Mirím (Manaus, Amazonas): Patterns of population dynamics and their implications for ecosystem stabilityWalker, Ilse
1992The benthic litter habitat with its sediment load in the inundation forest of the Central Amazonian river Tarumã-MírimWalker, Ilse
1994The benthic litter-dwelling macrofauna of the Amazonian forest stream Tarumã-Mirím: patterns of colonization and their implications for community stabilityWalker, Ilse
1987The biology of streams as part of Amazonian forest ecologyWalker, Ilse
1995Climatic and hydrological conditions as key factors for ecodevelopment strategiesFilho, A Marques; Salati, E; Walker, Ilse
1988Comments on the manna modelWalker, Ilse
1987Compartmentalization and niche differentiation: causal patterns of competition and coexistenceWalker, Ilse
1993Competition and informationWalker, Ilse
1983Complex-irreversibility and evolutionWalker, Ilse
2001Composição dos números primos e sua relação com os números pares: A prova da conjectura de GolbachFilho, A Marques; Walker, Ilse
1987Conclusion. The forest as a functional entityWalker, Ilse
1979Contribuição à Biologia e ecologia de Asthenopus Curtus Hagen (Insecta Ephemeroptera) dos arredores de Manaus (Amazônia Central)Braga, Ricardo Augusto Pessôa
1959Die Abwehrreaktion des Wirtes Drosophila melanogaster gegen die zoophage Cynipige Pseudeucoila bochei Weld.Walker, Ilse
1960Drosophila and Pseudacoila I. Selektioonsversuche zur Steigerung der Abwehrreaktion des Wirtes gegen den ParasitenHadorn, E; Walker, Ilse
1961Drosophila und Pseudeucoila II. Schwierigkeiten beim Nachweis eines SelektionsversuchesWalker, Ilse
1962Drosophila und Pseudeucoila III. Selektionsversuche zur Steigerung der Resistenz des Parasiten gegen die Abwehrreaktion des WirtesWalker, Ilse
1996Ecophysiological aspects of Amazonian blackwater litterbank fish communitiesHenderson, P A; Walker, Ilse
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2001Efeitos da ocupação urbana sobre a macrofauna de invertebrados aquáticos de um Igarapé da cidade de Manaus/AM - Amazônia CentralCleto Filho, Sérgio Ernani Nogueira; Walker, Ilse