Browsing by Author van Haren, Joost L.M.

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Dynamics of carbon, biomass, and structure in two Amazonian forestsPyle, Elizabeth Hammond; Santoni, Gregory W.; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Hutyra, Lucy R.; Vieira, Simone Aparecida; Curran, Daniel J.; van Haren, Joost L.M.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Chow, Victoria Y.; Carmago, Plinio B.; Laurance, William F.; Wofsy, Steven C.
2020Empirical evidence for resilience of tropical forest photosynthesis in a warmer worldSmith, Marielle N.; Taylor, Tyeen C.; van Haren, Joost L.M.; Rosolem, Rafael; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Adams, John; Wu, Jin; Oliveira, Raimundo Cosme de; Silva, Rodrigo da; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa; Huxman, Travis E.; Saleska, Scott Reid
2011Within-canopy sesquiterpene ozonolysis in AmazoniaJardine, Kolby J.; Yáñez-Serrano, Ana Maria; Arneth, Almuth; Abrell, Leif; Jardine, Angela B.; van Haren, Joost L.M.; Artaxo, Paulo; Rizzo, L. V.; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Karl, Thomas G.; Kesselmeier, Jürgen; Saleska, Scott Reid; Huxman, Travis E.