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Showing results 73 to 92 of 103 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007The old and young Amazon: Dung beetle biomass, abundance, and species diversityRadtke, Meghan G.; Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos da; Williamson, G. Bruce
1996On abundance and phenology of Geophilomorpha (Chilopoda) from Central Amazonian upland forestsAdis, Joachim; Minelli, Alessandro; Morais, José Wellington de; Pereira, Luis A; Barbieri, Francesco; Rodrigues, José Maria Gomes
1996On abundance, phenology and natural history of Symphyla from a mixedwater inundation forest in Central Amazonia, BrazilAdis, Joachim; Morais, José Wellington de; Scheller, Ulf
1989On the abundance and ecology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Central Amazonia, Brazil.Adis, Joachim; Platnick, Norman I.; Morais, José Wellington de; Rodrigues, José Maria Gomes
2019Patterns of nitrogen-fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and AmericaMenge, Duncan N.L.; Chisholm, Ryan A.; Davies, Stuart James; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Allen, David N.; Alvarez, Mauricio; Bourg, Norman A.; Brockelman, Warren Y.; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Butt, Nathalie; Cao, Min; Chanthorn, Wirong; Chao, Weichun; Clay, Keith; Condit, Richard S.; Cordell, Susan; Silva, João Batista da; Dattaraja, Handanakere Shavaramaiah; Andrade, Ana Cristina Segalin de; Oliveira, Alexandre Adalardo de; den Ouden, Jan H.B.; Drescher, Michael; Fletcher, Christine Dawn; Giardina, Christian P.; Savitri Gunatilleke, C. V.; Gunatilleke, I. A.U.Nimal; Hau, Billy Chi Hang; He, Fangliang; Howe, Robert W.; Hsieh, Changfu; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Inman-Narahari, Faith M.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Johnson, Daniel J.; Kong, Lee Sing; Král, Kamil; Ku, Chen Chia; Lai, Jiangshan; Larson, Andrew J.; Li, Xiankun; Li, Yide; Lin, Luxiang; Lin, Yiching; Liu, Shirong; Lum, Shawn Kaihekulani Yamauchi; Lutz, James A.; Ma, Keping; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; McMahon, Sean M.; McShea, William J.; Mi, Xiangcheng; Morecroft, Michael D.; Myers, Jonathan A.; Nathalang, Anuttara; Novotný, Vojt?ch; Ong, Perry Sim; Orwig, David A.; Ostertag, Rebecca; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Phillips, Richard P.; Abd-Rahman, Kassim; Sack, Lawren; Sang, Weiguo; Shen, G.; Shringi, Ankur; Shue, Jessica; Su, Sheng Hsin; Sukumar, Raman; Sun, I. Fang; Suresh, Hebbalalu Sathyanarayana; Tan, Sylvester Kheng San; Thomas, Sean C.; Toko, Pagi S.; Valencia, Renato L.; Vallejo, Martha Isabel; Vicentini, Alberto; Vrška, Tomáš; Wang, Bingbing; Wang, Xihua; Weiblen, George D.; Wolf, Amy T.; Xu, Han; Yap, Sandra L.; Zhu, Li; Fung, Tak
2012Persistence and stability of cichlid assemblages in neotropical floodplain lagoonsLourenço, Luzia da Silva; Fernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Mateus, L. A.F.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Phylogenetic composition and structure of tree communities shed light on historical processes influencing tropical rainforest diversityCarlucci, Marcos Bergmann; Seger, Guilherme Dubal dos Santos; Sheil, Douglas; Amaral, Iêda Leão do; Chuyong, George Bindeh; Ferreira, Leandro Valle; Galatti, Ulisses; Hurtado, Johanna; Kenfack, David; Leal, Darley C.; Lewis, Simon L.; Lovett, Jon C.; Marshall, Andrew Robert; Martin, Emanuel H.; Mugerwa, Badru; Munishi, Pantaleo K.T.; Oliveira, Átila Cristina Alves de; Razafimahaimodison, Jean Claude A.; Rovero, F.; Sainge, Moses Nsanyi; Thomas, Duncan W.; Pillar, Valério de Patta; Duarte, Leandro da Silva
2011Population structure and reproductive pattern of Pristimantis aff. fenestratus (Anura: Atrabomantidae) in two non-flooded forests of Central Amazonia, BrasilWaldez, Fabiano; Menin, Marcelo; Rojas-ahumada, Diana; Lima, Albertina Pimentel
2012Population structure of the turtle podocnemis erythrocephala in the Rio Negro Basin, BrazilBernhard, Rafael; Vogt, Richard Carl
2019Prey abundance drives habitat occupancy by jaguars in Amazonian floodplain river islandsRabelo, Rafael M.; Aragón, Susan; Bicca-Marques, Júlio César
2008Rainforest fragmentation and the demography of the economically important palm Oenocarpus bacaba in central AmazoniaBrum, Heloísa D.; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Laurance, William F.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Luizâo, Regina Celi Costa
2007Recovery potential of understory bird communities in Amazonian rainforest fragmentsStouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.
2016Repeated fires trap Amazonian blackwater floodplains in an open vegetation stateFlores, Bernardo Monteiro; Fagoaga, Raquel; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Holmgren, Milena
2010Resource distribution and soil moisture content can regulate bait control in an ant assemblage in Central Amazonian forestBaccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Ketelhut, Suzana Maria; Morais, José Wellington
2018Results confirm a relatively dry setting during the last glacial (MIS 3 and LGM) in Carajás, Amazonia: A comment on Guimarães et al.D'Apolito, Carlos; Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; Absy, Maria Lúcia
2013The scaling of colony size with nest volume in termites: A role in population dynamics?Lima Pequeno, Pedro A C; Franklin, E.; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Serrão Acioli, Agno N.
2002Selective logging effects on abundance, diversity, and composition of tropical understory herbsCosta, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Magnusson, William Ernest
2015Size-dependent response of tropical wetland fish communities to changes in vegetation cover and habitat connectivityFernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Zuanon, Jansen
2012Soil oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) diversity and composition in semi-deciduous forest fragments in eastern Amazonia and comparison with the surrounding savanna matrixFerreira, Raimundo Nonato C.; Franklin, E.; Souza, Jorge Luiz Pereira; Moraes, Jamile de
2012Spatial autocorrelation analysis allows disentangling the balance between neutral and niche processes in metacommunitiesDiniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Siqueira, Tadeu; Padial, André Andrian; Rangel, Thiago F.; Landeiro, Victor Lemes; Bini, Luis Mauricio