Browsing by Subject Adaptation, Physiological
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
![]() | 2017 | Coevolution between flight morphology, vertical stratification and sexual dimorphism: what can we learn from tropical butterflies? | GraÇa, MÁrlon Breno; Pequeno, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima; Franklin, E.; Morais, José Wellington de |
![]() | 2012 | Convergent Adaptations: Bitter Manioc Cultivation Systems in Fertile Anthropogenic Dark Earths and Floodplain Soils in Central Amazonia | Fraser, James A.; Alves-Pereira, Alessandro; Junqueira, André Braga; Peroni, Nivaldo; Clement, Charles Roland |
![]() | 2007 | Directional changes in plant assemblages along an altitudinal gradient in northeast Brazil | Santos, Bráulio Almeida; Barbosa, David Ítallo; Tabarelli, Marcelo |
2002 | Diverse strategies for ion regulation in fish collected from the ion-poor, acidic Rio Negro | Gonzalez, Richard J.; Wilson, Rod W.; Wood, Chris M.; Patrick, Marjorie L.; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
![]() | 2010 | Drought-mortality relationships for tropical forests | Phillips, Oliver L.; Van Der Heijden, Geertje M.F.; Lewis, Simon L.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Lloyd, Jon; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Monteagudo, Abel Lorenzo; Almeida, Samuel Miranda; Dávila, Esteban Álvarez; Amaral, Iêda Leão do; Andelman, Sandy J.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Aymard, Gerardo Antonio C.; Baker, Timothy R.; Blanc, Lilian; Bonal, Damien; Oliveira, Átila Cristina Alves de; Chao, Kuo Jung; Cardozo, Nallaret Dávila; Costa, Antônio Carlos Lôla da; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Fisher, Joshua B.; Fyllas, Nikolaos M.; Freitas, Maria Antonio Benjamin; Galbraith, David R.; Gloor, Manuel E.; Higuchi, Niro; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Jiménez, E. M.; Keeling, Helen C.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Lovett, Jon C.; Meir, Patrick W.; Mendoza, Casimiro; Morel, Alexandra C.; Vargas, Percy Núñez; Patiño, Sandra; Peh, Kelvin S.H.; Cruz, Antonio Peña; Prieto, Adriana; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Ramirez Arevalo, Fredy Francisco; Ramírez, Hirma; Rudas, Agustín; Salamão, Rafael; Schwarz, Michael; Silva, Javier Natalino M.; Silveira, Marcos; Slik, J. W.Ferry; Sonké, Bonaventure; Thomas, Anne Sota; Stropp, Juliana; Taplin, James R.D.; Vásquez, Rodolfo V.; Vilanova, Emilio |
![]() | 2019 | Fishes of the amazon: Diversity and beyond | Val, Adalberto Luis |
2015 | Gill paracellular permeability and the osmorespiratory compromise during exercise in the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) | Robertson, Lisa M.; Kochhann, Daiani; Bianchini, Adalto; Matey, Victoria E.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis; Wood, Chris M. | |
2018 | The influence of lifestyle and swimming behavior on metabolic rate and thermal tolerance of twelve Amazon forest stream fish species | Campos, Derek Felipe de; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e | |
2004 | Interspecific variation in the defensive responses of obligate plant-ants: Experimental tests and consequences for herbivory | Bruna, Emilio M.; Lapola, David Montenegro; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. | |
![]() | 2009 | Intrinsic mechanical properties of the perfused armoured catfish heart with special reference to the effects of hypercapnic acidosis on maximum cardiac performance | Hanson, Linda M.; Baker, Daniel W.; Kuchel, Louise J.; Farrell, Anthony Peter (Tony); Val, Adalberto Luis; Brauner, Colin John |
1999 | Ion and acid-base balance in three species of Amazonian fish during gradual acidification of extremely soft water | Wilson, Rod W.; Wood, Chris M.; Gonzalez, Richard J.; Patrick, Marjorie L.; Bergman, Harold L.; Narahara, Annie B.; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
![]() | 2008 | Ion fluxes and hematological parameters of two teleosts from the Rio Negro, Amazon, exposed to hypoxia | Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Chippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina; Lopes, Nilva Pereira; Bicudo, José Eduardo Pereira Wilken; Paula-Silva, Maria Nazaré N.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis |
![]() | 2002 | Ion fluxes of Metynnis hypsauchen, a teleost from the Rio Negro, Amazon, exposed to an increase of temperature | Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Val, Adalberto Luis |
2015 | Ionoregulatory aspects of the osmorespiratory compromise during acute environmental hypoxia in 12 tropical and temperate teleosts | Robertson, Lisa M.; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Wood, Chris M. | |
2007 | Metabolic and ionoregulatory responses of the Amazonian cichlid, Astronotus ocellatus, to severe hypoxia | Richards, Jeffrey G.; Wang, Yuxiang S.; Brauner, Colin John; Gonzalez, Richard J.; Patrick, Marjorie L.; Schulte, Patricia; Choppari-Gomes, A. R.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2019 | Oxygen-dependent distinct expression of hif-1α gene in aerobic and anaerobic tissues of the Amazon Oscar, Astronotus crassipinnis | Heinrichs-Caldas, Waldir D.; Campos, Derek Felipe de; Paula-Silva, Maria Nazaré N.; Almeida-Val, Vera Maria Fonseca | |
2004 | Physiological action of dissolved organic matter in rainbow trout in the presence and absence of copper: Sodium uptake kinetics and unidirectional flux rates in hard and softwater | Matsuo, Aline Y.O.; Playle, Richard C.; Val, Adalberto Luis; Wood, Chris M. | |
2008 | Respiratory responses to progressive hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar, Astronotus ocellatus | Scott, Graham R.; Wood, Chris M.; Sloman, Katherine A.; Iftikar, Fathima I.; Boeck, Gudrun de; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
![]() | 2009 | The role of carbohydrates in seed germination and seedling establishment of Himatanthus sucuuba, an Amazonian tree with populations adapted to flooded and non-flooded conditions | Ferreira, Cristiane Silva; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Tiné, Marco Aurélio Silva; Rodrigo Rossatto, Davi; Parolin, Pia; Buckeridge, Marcos Silveira |
![]() | 2014 | Selection indices to identify drought-tolerant grain sorghum cultivars | Menezes, Cícero Beserra de; Ticona-Benavente, César Augusto; Tardin, Flávio Dessaune; Cardoso, Mílton José; Bastos, Edson Alves; Nogueira, Douglas Willian; Portugal, Arley Figueiredo; Santos, C. V.; Schaffert, Robert Eugene |