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Showing results 11 to 16 of 16 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in 27 species of amazon fish: Adaptive and evolutive aspectsD'Avila Ferreira, Nadia Cristina; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Schwantes, Maria Luíza Barcellos
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Nutritional status and energy and nutrients intake of children attending day-care centers in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil: Are there differences between public and private day-care centers?Tavares, Bruno Mendes; Veiga, Glória Valéria da; Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Bueno, Milena Baptista; Mara Fisberg, Regina; Fisberg, Mauro
2009Occurrence of Mansonella ozzardi (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) in riverine communities of the Purus river, Boca do Acre municipality, Amazonas State, BrazilMedeiros, Jansen Fernandes de; Py-Daniel, Victor; Barbosa, Ulysses Carvalho; Ogawa, Guilherme Maerschner
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016A profile of scorpionism, including the species of scorpions involved, in the state of Amazonas, BrazilCosta, Cícero Lucinaldo Soares de Oliveira; Fé, Nelson Ferreira; Sampaio, Iracilda C.; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro
2014Vocal repertoire of the social giant otterLeuchtenberger, Caroline; Sousa-Lima, Renata S.; Duplaix, Nicole; Magnusson, William Ernest; Mourão, Guilherme
2005Wood growth patterns of Macrolobium acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth. (Fabaceae) in Amazonian black-water and white-water floodplain forestsSchöngart, Jochen; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes; Worbes, Martin