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2008Factors affecting the number of caimans seen during spotlight surveys in the Mamirauá Reserve, Brazilian AmazoniaSilveira, Ronis da; Magnusson, William Ernest; Thorbjarnarson, John B.
2017Factors controlling leaf litter breakdown in Amazonian streamsGonçalves, José Francisco Júnior; Couceiro, Sheyla R.M.; Rezende, Renan S.; Martins, Renato Tavares; Ottoni-Boldrini, Bianca M P; Campos, Claudimir Menezes; Silva, Jeferson O.; Hamada, Neusa
2011The fate of Amazonian forest fragments: A 32-year investigationLaurance, William F.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Luizâo, Regina Celi Costa; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Pimm, Stuart; Bruna, Emilio M.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Williamson, G. Bruce; Benítez-Malvido, Julieta; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Van Houtan, Kyle; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Didham, Raphael K.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2002Feeding Of The Brycon Cephalus, Triportheus Elongatus And Semaprochilodus Insignis (osteichthyes, Characiformes) Larvae In Solimões/amazonas River And Floodplain Áreas.Leite, Rosseval Galdino; Lima, Carlos Alberto Rego Monteiro Araujo
2016Filamentous Fungi Isolates of Contaminated Sediment in the Amazon Region with the Potential for Benzo(a)pyrene DegradationSouza, Hilton Marcelo de Lima; Sette, Lara Duräes; Mota, Adolfo José da; Nascimento Neto, Joaquim Ferreira do; Rodrigues, A.; Oliveira, T?ssio Brito de; Oliveira, Fernando Mendes de; Oliveira, Luiz Antonio de; Barroso, Hiléia dos Santos; Zanotto, Sandra Patricia
2007Fine root growth and nutrient release in decomposing leaf litter in three contrasting vegetation types in central AmazoniaLuizâo, Regina Celi Costa; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Proctor, John
2012Fine-scale changes in connectivity affect the metapopulation dynamics of a bryophyte confined to ephemeral patchesZartman, Charles Eugene; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Cangani, Katia Gigliola; Alvarenga, Lisi Dámaris Pereira; Snäll, Tord
2016Fine-scale habitat heterogeneity explains the local distribution of two Amazonian frog species of concern for conservationJorge, Rafael F.; Simões, Pedro Ivo; Magnusson, William Ernest; Lima, Albertina Pimental
2012Fire and host abundance as determinants of the distribution of three congener and sympatric mistletoes in an Amazonian savannaFadini, Rodrigo F.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
2002Fire as a large-scale edge effect in Amazonian forestsCochrane, Mark Alan; Laurance, William F.
2011Fire favours expansion of bamboo-dominated forests in the south-west AmazonSmith, Maira; Nelson, Bruce Walker
2019Fire, fragmentation, and windstorms: A recipe for tropical forest degradationSilvério, Divino Vicente; Brando, Paulo Monteiro; Bustamante, Mercedes M.C.; Putz, Francis E.; Marra, Daniel Magnabosco; Levick, Shaun R.; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth
2018First Record of Leucocytozoon (Haemosporida: Leucocytozoidae) in Amazonia: Evidence for Rarity in Neotropical Lowlands or Lack of Sampling for This Parasite Genus?Fecchio, Alan; Silveira, Patrícia; Weckstein, Jason D.; Dispoto, Janice H.; Anciães, Marina; Bosholn, Mariane; Tkach, Vasyl V.; Bell, Jeffrey Andrew
2006Fish assemblages in temporary ponds adjacent to 'terra-firme' streams in Central AmazoniaPazin, Victor F.V.; Magnusson, William Ernest; Zuanon, Jansen; Mendonça, Fernando Pereira
1984The fish fauna of Curua-Una reservoir, Santarem, Para. II - food and feeding habits of the main species).Gondim Ferreira, E. J.
2007Flexible mating system in a logged population of Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae): Implications for the management of a threatened neotropical tree speciesLemes, Maristerra R.; Grattapaglia, Dario; Grogan, James; Proctor, John; Gribel, Rogério
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2004Florística E Fitossociologia De Uma Floresta De Vertente Na Amazônia Central, Amazonas, BrasilOliveira, Arlem Nascimento de; Amaral, Iêda Leão do
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Flowers of the early-branching papilionoid legume Petaladenium urceoliferum display unique morphological and ontogenetic featuresPrenner, Gerhard; Cardoso, Domingos; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Queiroz, Luciano P.
2017Flux-variance and flux-gradient relationships in the roughness sublayer over the Amazon forestChor, Tomás L.; Dias, Nelson Luís da Costa; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Wolff, Stefan; Zahn, Einara; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Trebs, Ivonne; Sá, Marta O.; Teixeira, Paulo R.; Sörgel, Matthias
2014Food habits of a top predator at the canopy of Amazon rainforestAguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Luz, Benjamim Bordallo da