Showing results 39 to 58 of 175
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2004 | Deforestation in Amazonia | Laurance, William F.; Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Ferreira, Leandro Valle |
 | 2003 | Development of Hepatozoon caimani (Carini, 1909) Pessôa, De Biasi & De Souza, 1972 in the Caiman Caiman c. crocodilus, the Frog Rana catesbeiana and the Mosquito Culex fatigans | Lainson, Ralph; Paperna, Ilan; Naiff, Roberto Daibes |
| 2003 | Development of the soil macrofauna community under silvopastoral and agrosilvicultural systems in Amazonia | Barros, Eleusa; Neves, Acacia; Blanchart, Éric; Fernandes, Erick C.M.; Wandelli, Elisa Vieira; Lavelle, Patrick M. |
| 2006 | Diet of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) during the dry season in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil | Balensiefer, Deisi Cristiane; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 1996 | Diets of Caiman crocodilus yacare from different habitats in the Brazilian Pantanal | Santos, Sandra Aparecida; Nogueira, Marcelo Stoll; Pinheiro, Max Silva; Campos, Zilca M.S.; Magnusson, William Ernest; Mourão, Guilherme |
| 2011 | Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape | Uríarte, Ma?ia; Anciães, Marina; Silva, Mariana T.B. da; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik I.; Bruna, Emilio M. |
| 1999 | Dispersal of Amazonian trees: Hydrochory in Swartzia polyphylla | Williamson, G. Bruce; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Minte-Vera, Carolina Viviana |
| 2007 | Diversity of invertebrates consumed by the Yanomami and Yekuana communities from the Alto Orinoco, Venezuela | Araujo, Yelinda; Beserra, Paulo |
| 2017 | Dodging the moon: The moon effect on activity allocation of prey in the presence of predators | Pratas-Santiago, Luís Pedro; Gonçalves, André Luis Sousa; Nogueira, António J.A.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto |
 | 2010 | Dynamic population from triportheus albus, t. angulatus and t. auritus (Characiformes: Characidae) in Amazonian central lakes | Prestes, Luiza; Soares, Maria Gercilia Mota; Silva, Fábio Ribeiro; Bittencourt, Maria Mercedes |
 | 2003 | Effect of vitamin C on weight and hematology of tambaqui | Chagas, Edsandra Campos; Val, Adalberto Luis |
| 2012 | Effects of change in primary forest cover on armadillo (Cingulata, Mammalia) burrow use in the Central Amazon | Arteaga, María Clara; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins |
| 2013 | Effects of dam-induced landscape fragmentation on amazonian ant-plant mutualistic networks | Emer, Carine; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Fonseca, Carlos Roberto |
| 2010 | Effects of different secondary vegetation types on bat community composition in Central Amazonia, Brazil | Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli; Gribel, Rogério |
| 2003 | Effects of selective logging on the diversity and abundance of flowering and fruiting understory plants in a Central Amazonian forest | Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Magnusson, William Ernest |
| 2013 | Effects of subchronic manganese chloride exposure on tambaqui (colossoma macropomum) tissues: Oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses | Gabriel, Diogo; Riffel, Ana Paula Konzen; Finamor, Isabela Andres; Saccol, Etiane Medianeira Hundertmarck; Ourique, Giovana M.; Goulart, Luis O.R.; Kochhann, Daiani; Cunha, Mauro Alves da; Garcia, Luciano; Pavanato, Maria Amália; Val, Adalberto Luis; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Llesuy, Susana |
| 2013 | Endocrine monitoring of the ovarian cycle in captive female Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) | Amaral, Rodrigo S.; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Nichi, Marcílio; Oliveira, Cláudio Alvarenga de |
| 1996 | Enzyme polymorphism in Endotrypanum and numerical analysis of isoenzyme data | Franco, A. M.; Momen, Hooman; Naiff, Roberto Daibes; Moreira, Celia F.S.; Deane, Maria Paumgartten; Grimaldi Júnior, Gabriel F. |
| 2007 | Estimate of trade traffic of Podocnemis (testudines, pedocnemididae) from the Middle Purus River, Amazonas, Brazil | Kemenes, Alexandre; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito |
| 2018 | Estimating the length of dolphins using photographs where another animal of known or estimated length is in close proximity | Gaona Calderón, Marina; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Martin, Anthony Richard |