Browsing by Subject Animalsia
Showing results 160 to 175 of 175
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Temperature, rainfall, and moonlight intensity effects on activity of tropical insectivorous bats | Appel, Giulliana; López-Baucells, Adrià; Magnusson, William Ernest; Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli | |
![]() | 2005 | To self, or not to self... A review of outcrossing and pollen-mediated gene flow in neotropical trees | Ward, Megan; Dick, Christopher W.; Gribel, Rogério; Lowe, Andrew J. |
2007 | Tolerance response of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier) to water pH | Aride, Paulo Henrique Rocha; Roubach, Rodrigo; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2017 | Tool use by Amazonian capuchin monkeys during predation on caiman nests in a high-productivity forest | Torralvo, Kelly; Rabelo, Rafael M.; Andrade, Alfredo; Botero-Arias, Robinson | |
![]() | 2013 | Toxoplasmosis in a Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) from Paraná, Brazil | Gonzáles-Viera, Omar Antonio; Marigo, Juliana; Ruoppolo, Valéria; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Kanamura, Cristina Takami; Takakura, Cleusa Fumica Hirata; Fernandez, A.; Catão-Dias, José Luiz |
2019 | Trace elements and microbiological parameters in farmed Nile tilapia with emphasis on muscle, water, sediment and feed | Steckert, Lilian Dordete; Furtado, William Eduardo; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Pereira, Scheila Anelise; Jesus, G. F.A.; Mouriño, José Luiz Pedreira; Martins, Maurício Laterça | |
2002 | Transferrin polymorphism in Central Amazon populations of pescada,Plagioscion squamosissimus | Teixeira, Aylton Saturnino; Jamieson, Alan; Raposo, José Carlos Paula | |
![]() | 2004 | Transition in organ function during the evolution of air-breathing; insights from Arapaima gigas, an obligate air-breathing teleost from the Amazon | Brauner, Colin John; Matey, Victoria E.; Wilson, Jonathan; Bernier, Nicholas J.; Val, Adalberto Luis |
2005 | Unidirectional sodium fluxes and gill CYP1A induction in an amazonian fish (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) exposed to a surfactant and to crude oil | Matsuo, Aline Y.O.; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2013 | Variations of chromosomal structures in Caluromys philander (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) from the Amazon region | Souza, Érica Martinha Silva de; Silva, Carlos Eduardo Faresin e; Eler, Eduardo Schmidt; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Feldberg, Eliana | |
![]() | 2004 | Visceral leishmaniasis among Indians of the State of Roraima, Brazil. Clinical and epidemiologic aspects of the cases observed from 1989 to 1993 | Guerra, Jorge Augusto de Oliveira; Barros, Marcus Luíz Barroso; Fé, Nelson Ferreira; Guerra, Marcus Vinítius de Farias; Castellón, Eloy Guilhermo; Gomes Paes, Marcilene; Sherlock, Ítalo A. |
2017 | Vocal Repertoire and Its Behavioral Contexts in the Pied Tamarin, Saguinus bicolor | Sobroza, Tainara Venturini; Cerqueda, Laia Segarra; Simões, Pedro Ivo; Gordo, Marcelo | |
2020 | Water diversion in Brazil threatens biodiversity | Daga, Vanessa Salete; Azevedo-Santos, Valter Monteiro de; Pelicice, Fernando Mayer; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Perbiche-Neves, Gilmar; Paschoal, Lucas R.P.; Cavallari, Daniel Caracanhas; Erickson, José; Ruocco, Ana Maria Cirino; Oliveira, Igor; Padial, André Andrian; Simões Vitule, Jean Ricardo | |
2018 | What can mixed-species flock movement tell us about the value of Amazonian secondary forests? Insights from spatial behavior | Mokross, Karl S.; Potts, Jonathan R.; Rutt, Cameron L.; Stouffer, Philip C. | |
2018 | When predators become prey: Community-based monitoring of caiman and dolphin hunting for the catfish fishery and the broader implications on Amazonian human-natural systems | Pimenta, Natalia Camps; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Botero-Arias, Robinson; Marmontel, Míriam | |
2010 | The World Congress of Herpetology and Animal Conservation: Excerpts from the 6th World Congress | Garner, Trenton W.J.; Hero, Jean Marc; Jehle, Robert; Kraus, Fred; Muths, Erin L.; Reed, Robert N.; Vogt, R. C.; Hödl, Walter |