Browsing by Subject Aquecimento Global

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Showing results 92 to 102 of 102 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Technologies, Policies and Measures for Mitigating Climate ChangeMoreno, R.A.,; Kruger, D.; Levine, M.; Zhong, Li; Michaelis, L.; Moomaw, W.; Moreira, J.R.; Mosier, A.; Mosier, A.; Nakicenovic, N.; Price, L.; Baron, R.; Ravindranath, N.H.; Rogner, H-H.; Sathaye, J.; Shukla, P.; McGrory, L. Van Wie; Williams, T.; Corfee-Morlot, J.; Edmonds, J.; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Friedman, R.; Bohm, R.; Mullins, F.; Solsbery, L.; Quiguo, Zhao; Chandler, W.; Cole, V.; Davidson, O.; Dut, G.; Haites, E.; Ishitani, H.
2012The theoretical battlefield: accounting for the carbon benefits of maintaining Brazil s Amazon forestFearnside, Philip Martin
2002Time preference: reply to TolFearnside, Philip Martin
2006Tropical Deforestation and Global WarmingFearnside, Philip Martin
2010Tropical ForestsFearnside, Philip Martin
2010Tropical Forests of AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
2015As usinas hidrelétricas mitigam o efeito estufa? O caso da barragem de Curuá-UnaFearnside, Philip Martin
2007Uso da terra na Amazônia e as mudanças climáticas globaisFearnside, Philip Martin
2008Valoração econômica e os serviços ambientais da AmazôniaFearnside, Philip Martin
2006A vazante na Amazônia e o aquecimento globalFearnside, Philip Martin
1996Wood Production Under Changing Climate And Land UseSolomon, A.M.; Joyce, L.A.; Kojima, S.; Makundi, W.R.; Pollard, D.F.W.; Shvidenko, A.; Skinner, W.; Ravindranath, N.H.; Stewart, R.B.; Weber, M.; Nilsson, S.; Duinker, P.N.; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Hall, P.J.; Ismail, R.