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Showing results 8 to 9 of 9 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Reduced levels of genetic variation in Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, based on analysis of the mitochondrial DNA ND5 geneMaia, R. T.; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete; Maciel-Litaiff, L. H.; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro
2014Tropical forest wood production: A cross-continental comparisonBanin, Lindsay F.; Lewis, Simon L.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Baker, Timothy R.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Chao, Kuo Jung; Burslem, David F.R.P.; Nilus, Reuben; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Keeling, Helen C.; Tan, Sylvester Kheng San; Davies, Stuart James; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Vásquez, Rodolfo V.; Lloyd, Jon; Neill, David A.; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Phillips, Oliver L.