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Showing results 28 to 29 of 29 < previous 
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Why.pdf.jpg2019Why is Amazonia a 'source' of biodiversity? Climate-mediated dispersal and synchronous speciation across the Andes in an avian group (Tityrinae)Musher, Lukas J.; Ferreira, Mateus; Auerbach, Anya L.; McKay, Jessica; Cracraft, Joel L.
2019Wildfires as a major challenge for natural regeneration in Atlantic Forestdos Santos, João Flávio Costa; Gleriani, José Marinaldo; Velloso, Sidney Geraldo Silveira; Souza, Guilherme Silverio Aquino de; Amaral, Cibele Hummel do; Torres, Fillipe Tamiozzo Pereira; Medeiros, Nilcilene das Graças; dos Reis, Mateus