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Showing results 6 to 13 of 13 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Genetic parameters estimation among pre and post weaning weights in nellore breedGarnero, Analía Del Valle; Muñoz, M. C C D; Marcondes, Cíntia Righetti; Lôbo, Raysildo Barbosa; Lira, Thaymisson Santosde; Gunski, Ricardo José
2012Habitat patch and matrix effects on small-mammal persistence in Amazonian forest fragmentsSantos Filho, Manoel dos; Peres, Carlos A.; Silva, Dionei José da; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete
2009Increasing world consumption of beef as a driver of regional and global change: A call for policy action based on evidence from Queensland (Australia), Colombia and BrazilMcAlpine, Clive Alexander; Etter, Andres; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Seabrook, Leonie M.; Laurance, William F.
2012Leaf and Soil Nutrients in a Chronosequence of Second-Growth Forest in Central Amazonia: Implications for Restoration of Abandoned LandsGomes, Ana Carla Serra; Luizão, Flávio Jesus
2012Pasture clearing from invasive woody plants in the Pantanal: A tool for sustainable management or environmental destruction?Junk, Wolfgang Johannes; Nunes da Cunha, C.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Prey preference of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus, Chiroptera) using molecular analysisBobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli; Lemes, Maristerra R.; Gribel, Rogério
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Secondary vegetation in central Amazonia: Land-use history effects on aboveground biomassWandelli, Elisa Vieira; Fearnside, Philip Martin
2015Size-dependent response of tropical wetland fish communities to changes in vegetation cover and habitat connectivityFernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Zuanon, Jansen