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Showing results 43 to 54 of 54 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993Seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities in the Preto River basin, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil.Jr, Orlando Necchi; Pascoaloto, Domitila
1990Seasonal variation of Sirodotia delicatula Skuja (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermaceae) in a small stream from São Paulo State Brazil.Pascoaloto, Domitila; Jr, Orlando Necchi
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2004Seasonality, parity rates and transmission indices of Mansonella ozzardi (Manson) (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) by Cerqueirellum argentiscutum (Shelley & Luna Dias) (Diptera: Simulidae) in a lower Solimões River community, Amazonas, BrazilMedeiros, Jansen Fernandes de; Py-Daniel, Victor
2021Small-scale environmental variations drive vegetation structure and diversity in Amazon riverine forestsGuimarães, Aretha Franklin; Souza, Cléber Rodrigo de; Rosa, Clarissa Alves Da; Santos, Juliano Paulo Dos; Teixeira, Luis Antonio Fonseca; Zanzini, Lucas Pereira; Santiago, Wagner Tadeu Vieira; Zanzini, Antônio Carlos Da Silva
1997Stream macroalgal flora from the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil.Jr, Orlando Necchi; Pascoaloto, Domitila; Branco, Ciro Cezar Zanini; Branco, Luis Henrique Zanine
2020Suphisellus grossoi sp. n., a new burrowing water beetle from South America, and notes on S. flavolineatus (Régimbart, 1889) and S. grammicus (Sharp, 1882) (Coleoptera: Noteridae)Urcola, Juan Ignacio; Benetti, Cesar João; Baca, Stephen M.; Michat, Mariano Cruz
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1999Surface morphology of some Amphistomes (Trematoda) of Amazonian Fishes and the description of a new genus and speciesThatcher, Vernon Everet
2021Systematics and historical biogeography of Neotropical foam-nesting frogs of the Adenomera heyeri clade (Leptodactylidae), with the description of six new Amazonian speciesCarvalho, Thiago Ribeiro De; Moraes, Leandro J.C.L.; Lima, Albertina Pimentel; Fouquet, Antoine; Peloso, Pedro Luiz Vieira; Pavan, Dante; Drummond, Leandro O.; Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut; Giaretta, Ariovaldo Antǒnio; Gordo, Marcelo; Neckel-Oliveira, Selvino; Haddad, Célio Fernando Baptista
2020The occurrence of leucism in groups of tayras Eira barbara linnaeus 1758 on the Guyana shieldPontes, Antonio Rossano Mendes; Silva, Antonio Paulo da; Chivers, David John
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1999Two new Bucephalidae (Trematoda) from Fishes of the Brazilian AmazonThatcher, Vernon Everet
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1999Two new Haploporidae (Trematoda) of Fishes from the Brazilian state of RondôniaThatcher, Vernon Everet
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020The vertical stratification of potential bridge vectors of mosquito-borne viruses in a central Amazonian forest bordering Manaus, BrazilHendy, Adam; Hernandez-Acosta, Eduardo; Valério, Danielle; Mendonça, Claudia; Costa, Edson Rodrigues; Júnior, José Tenaçol Andes; Assunção, Flamarion Prado; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete; Gordo, Marcelo; Fé, Nelson Ferreira; Buenemann, Michaela; Lacerda, Marcus Vinícius Guimarães de; Hanley, Kathryn A.; Vasilakis, Nikos