Browsing by Subject Cichlid

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Showing results 33 to 39 of 39 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Social hierarchy and resting metabolic rate in the dwarf cichlid Apistogramma agassizii: the role of habitat enrichmentKochhann, Daiani; Val, Adalberto Luis
2016Teleocichla preta, a new species of cichlid from the Rio Xingu Basin in Brazil (Teleostei: Cichlidae)Varella, Henrique R.; Zuanon, Jansen; Kullander, Sven O.; López-Fernández, Hernán
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013A toxic diet: Transfer of contaminants to offspring through a parental care mechanismMaunder, Richard J.; Buckley, Jonathan; Val, Adalberto Luis; Sloman, Katherine A.
2019Trace elements and microbiological parameters in farmed Nile tilapia with emphasis on muscle, water, sediment and feedSteckert, Lilian Dordete; Furtado, William Eduardo; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Pereira, Scheila Anelise; Jesus, G. F.A.; Mouriño, José Luiz Pedreira; Martins, Maurício Laterça
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2006Tribute to R. G. Boutilier: The effect of size on the physiological and behavioural responses of oscar, Astronotus ocellatus, to hypoxiaSloman, Katherine A.; Wood, Chris M.; Scott, Graham R.; Wood, Sylvia; Kajimura, Makiko; Johannsson, Ora E.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis
2010Variability of 18S rDNA locus among Symphysodon fishes: chromosomal rearrangementsGross, Maria Claudia; Schneider, Carlos Henrique; Targino Valente, Guilherme; Martins, Cesar Henrique Rossinoli; Feldberg, Eliana
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Yield per recruit of the peacock bass Cichla monoculus (Spix and Agassiz, 1831) caught in Lago Grande at Manacapuru (Amazonas - Brazil)Campos, Caroline Pereira; Carvalho, Carlos Edwar Freitas de