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Showing results 17 to 35 of 35 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2002Low pH and calcium effects on net Na+ and K+ fluxes in two catfish species from the Amazon River (Corydoras: Callichthyidae)Matsuo, Aline Y.O.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2012Mercury concentration in the spectacled caiman and black caiman (Alligatoridae) of the Amazon: Implications for human healthSchneider, Larissa; Peleja, Reinaldo Pacheco; Kluczkovski, Augusto; Freire, Guilherme Martinez; Marioni, Boris; Vogt, Richard Carl; Silveira, Ronis da
2010Mercury levels in muscle of six species of turtles eaten by people along the Rio Negro of the Amazon basinSchneider, Larissa; Belger, Lauren; Burger, Joanna; Vogt, Richard Carl; Ferrara, Camila Rudge
2005Mercury levels in tissues of Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) from the Rio Negro, Pantanal, BrazilDias Fonseca, Fabrizio Rafael; Malm, Olaf; Waldemarin, Helen Francine
2005Metabolic adjustments in two Amazonian cichlids exposed to hypoxia and anoxiaChippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina; Gomes, Levy de Carvalho; Lopes, Nilva Pereira; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e
2017Methylmercury Modulation in Amazon Rivers Linked to Basin Characteristics and Seasonal Flood-PulseKasper, Daniele; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Amaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Py-Daniel, Sarah S.; Bastos, Wanderley Rodrigues; Malm, Olaf
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Observations of Manaus urban plume evolution and interaction with biogenic emissions in GoAmazon 2014/5Cirino, Glauber G.; Brito, Joel F.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Rizzo, Luciana Varanda; Tunved, Peter; Sá, Suzane S. de; Ji?enez, José Luis; Palm, Brett B.; Carbone, Samara; Lavric, J. V.; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Wolff, Stefan; Walter, David; Tóta, Júlio; Oliveira, Maria B.L.; Martin, Scot T.; Artaxo, Paulo
2019Observations of particulate matter, NO2, SO2, O3, H2S and selected VOCs at a semi-urban environment in the Amazon regionParalovo, Sarah L.; Barbosa, Cybelli G.G.; Carneiro, Isabela P.S.; Kurzlop, Priscila; Borillo, Guilherme C.; Schiochet, Maria Fernanda C.; Godoi, Ana Flávia Locateli; Yamamoto, Carlos Itsuo; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Andreoli, Rita Valéria; Ribeiro, Igor Oliveira; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Kourtchev, Ivan N.; Bustillos, José Oscar Viega; Martin, Scot T.; Godoi, Ricardo Henrique Moreton
2018Physiological impacts and bioaccumulation of dietary Cu and Cd in a model teleost: The Amazonian tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Vilarinho, Gisele C.C.; Castro, Katia F.; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Wood, Chris M.; Val, Adalberto Luis
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Potential of Bacterial Isolates from a Stream in Manaus-Amazon to Bioremediate Chromium-Contaminated EnvironmentsTeles, Ydrielly Veras; Castro, Lorena Mota de; Junior, Ézio Sargentini; do Nascimento, Aryana Pinheiro; Silva, Henrique Alves da; Costa, Rebeca Silveira; do Nascimento Souza, Rayane Delmontes; Mota, Adolfo José da; Pereira, José Odair
2009Purification, characterization, and preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis of a lactose-specific lectin from Cymbosema roseum seedsRocha, Bruno Anderson Matias da; Moreno, Frederico Bruno Mendes Batista; Delatorre, Plínio; Souza, Emmanuel Prata; Marinho, Emmanuel S.; Benevides, R. G.; Rustiguel, Joane Kathelen Rodrigues; Souza, Luis A.G.; Nagano, C. S.; Debray, Henri; Sampaio, Alexandre Holanda; Azevedo, Walter Filgueira de; Cavada, B. S.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Ras oncogene and Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (Hif-1α) expression in the Amazon fish Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) exposed to benzo(a)pyreneSilva, Grazyelle Sebrenski da; Fé, Luciana Mara Lopes; Silva, Maria de Nazaré Paula da; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e
2005Respiratory responses of the air-breathing fish Hoplosternum littorale to hypoxia and hydrogen sulfideAffonso, Elizabeth Gusmão; Rantin, Francisco Tadeu
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Roundup® exposure promotes gills and liver impairments, DNA damage and inhibition of brain cholinergic activity in the Amazon teleost fish Colossoma macropomumBraz-Mota, Susana; Sadauskas-Henrique, Helen; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) as a bioindicator of crude oil exposureDelunardo, Frederico Augusto Cariello; Carvalho, Luciano Rodrigues de; Silva, Bruno Ferreira da; Galão, Michel; Val, Adalberto Luis; Chippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina
2012Selection of leguminous trees associated with symbiont microorganisms for phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soilAparecido, Bento, Ricardo; Saggin-Júnior, Orivaldo José; Pitard, Rosa Maria; Straliotto, Rosângela; Silva, Eliane Maria Ribeiro da; Lucena Tavares, Sílvio Roberto de; Landa, Frederico G. de; Martins, Luiz Fernando; Volpon, Antonia Garcia Torres
2019Sewage contamination of Amazon streams crossing Manaus (Brazil) by sterol biomarkersMelo, Moacir Guimarães de; Silva, Brina Aguiar da; Costa, Gilcllys de Souza; Silva Neto, João Cândido André da; Soares, Patrícia Kaori; Val, Adalberto Luis; Chaar, Jamal da Silva; Koolen, Hector Henrique Ferreira; Bataglion, Giovana Anceski
2001Short-term nitrous oxide profile dynamics and emissions response to water, nitrogen and carbon additions in two tropical soilsNobre, Antônio Donato; Keller, Michael; Crill, Patrick Michael; Harriss, Robert C.
2015Uranium isotopes in groundwater occurring at Amazonas State, BrazilSilva, Márcio Luiz da; Bonotto, Daniel Marcos