Browsing by Subject Diet
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1987 | Diets of Amazonian crocodilians | Magnusson, William Ernest; Vieira da Silva, E.; Lima, Albertina Pimental | |
2019 | Does water type influence diet composition in Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis)? A case study comparing black and clearwater rivers | Crema, Luciana Carvalho; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Botta, Silvina; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez | |
2014 | Edge effects in the primate community of the biological dynamics of forest fragments project, Amazonas, Brazil | Lenz, Bryan Bernard; Jack, Katharine M.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto | |
2007 | Effect of high levels of dietary vitamin C on the blood responses of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) | Affonso, Elizabeth Gusmão; Silva, Elisângela da Costa; Tavares-Dias, Marcos; Menezes, Glauber Cruz de; Carvalho, Cristiane Suely Melo de; Nunes, Érica da Silva Santiago; Ituassú, Daniel Rabello; Roubach, Rodrigo; Ono, Eduardo Akifumi; Fim, Jorge Daniel Indrusiak; Marcon, Jaydione Luíz | |
1996 | Effect of supplementation with peach palm as source of vitamin A: Study with rats | Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Cozzolino, Sílvia Maria Franciscato | |
1992 | Effects of Prey Size and Foraging Mode on The Ontogenetic Change In The Feeding Niche Of Colostethus Stepheni (Anura:Dendrobatidae) | Lima, Albertina P. | |
2017 | Effects of species co-occurrence on the trophic-niche breadth of characids in Amazon forest streams | Barros, G.; Zuanon, Jansen; Deus, C. P. | |
1992 | Feeding ecology of saguinus bicolor bicolor (Callitrichidae: Primates) in a relict forest in Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia | Egler, Silvia G. | |
2014 | Feeding ecology of the amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) in the mamirauá and amanã sustainable development reserves, Brazil | Guterres-Pazin, Michelle G.; Marmontel, Míriam; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Pazin, Victor F.V.; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins | |
2014 | Feeding ecology of the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and the Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) in Jaú National Park, Amazon, Brazil | Silva, Roberta Elise; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Zuanon, Jansen | |
1999 | Feeding ecology of the giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis | Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Zuanon, Jansen; Carter, Sarah K. | |
2020 | Feeding of Arapaima sp.: integrating stomach contents and local ecological knowledge | Jacobi, Cristina Mariana; Villamarín, Francisco; Campos-Silva, Joaõ Vitor; Jardine, Timothy D.; Magnusson, William Ernest | |
2014 | Food habits of the Harpy Eagle, a top predator from the Amazonian rainforest canopy | Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Luz, Benjamim B. | |
![]() | 2004 | The food spectrum of the cardinal - tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi, Characidae) in its natural habitat | Walker, Ilse |
1994 | Foraging activity and diet of four sympatric lizard species in a tropical rainforest | Gasnier, Thierry Ray Jehlen; Magnusson, William Ernest; Lima, Albertina Pimental | |
2016 | Foraging with finesse: A hard-fruit-eating primate selects the weakest areas as bite sites | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Bezerra, Bruna; Santos, Paulo J.P.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Shaw, Peter J.A.; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Ross, Caroline | |
2016 | Geographic comparison of plant genera used in frugivory among the pitheciids Cacajao, Callicebus, Chiropotes, and Pithecia | Boyle, Sarah Ann; Thompson, Cynthia L.; DeLuycker, Anneke M.; Alvarez, Silvia J.; Alvim, Thiago H G; Aquino, Rolando; Bezerra, Bruna; Boubli, Jean Philippe; Bowler, Mark T.; Caselli, Christini Barbosa; Chagas, Renata Rocha Déda; Ferrari, Stephen Francis; Fontes, Isadora P.; Gregory, Tremaine; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Heiduck, Stefanie; Hores, Rose; Lehman, Shawn M.; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Moreira, Leandro Santana; Moura, Viviane Sodré; Nagy-Reis, Mariana B.; Palacios, Erwin; Palminteri, Suzanne; Peres, Carlos A.; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia; Port-Carvalho, Marcio; Rodríguez, Adriana; Santos, Ricardo Rodrigues dos; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Shaffer, Christopher A.; Silva, Felipe Ennes; Soares da Silva, Rafaela Fatima; Souza-Alves, João Pedro; Trevelin, Leonardo Carreira; Veiga, Liza M.; Vieira, Tatiana Martins; Dubose, Mary E.; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2012 | Growth response of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fingerlings to salt (sodium chloride) supplement diets. | Perar, Keshavanath; Oishi, César Augusto; Fonseca, Flávio Augusto; Affonso, Elizabeth Gusmão; Pereira Filho, Manoel | |
1997 | Home range size and habitat use in the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) | Albernaz, Ana Luísa Kerti Mangabeira | |
2010 | Impact of Ontogenetic Changes in Branchial Morphology on Gill Function in Arapaima gigas | Gonzalez, Richard J.; Brauner, Colin John; Wang, Yuxiang; Richards, Jeffrey G.; Patrick, Marjorie L.; Xi, W.; Matey, Victoria E.; Val, Adalberto Luis |