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Showing results 27 to 33 of 33 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1982Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to fansidar, quinine and tetracyclineAlencar, Fernando Hélio; Ferraroni, JoséJ J.; Shrimpton, Roger
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2007Somatic embryogenesis in peach palm using the thin cell layer technique: Induction, morpho-histological aspects and AFLP analysis of somaclonal variationSteinmacher, Douglas André; Krohn, N. G.; Dantas, A. C.M.; Stefenon, Valdir Marcos; Clement, Charles Roland; Guerra, Miguel Pedro
2018Sperm abnormalities in matrinxã Brycon amazonicus after hormonal treatment with carp pituitary extract and Ovaprim™Oliveira, Rosilane Gomes Souza de; Oliveira, Arley Faria José de; Villacorta-Corrêa, Marle Angélica
2017Spermatogenesis in a neotropical marsupial species, Philander frenatus (Olfers, 1818)Figueiredo, Andre´ Felipe Almeida; Cordeiro, Dirceu A.; Nogueira, Julia Carlos; Talamoni, S. A.; França, Luiz Renato de; Costa, Guilherme M.J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Structural basis for both pro- and anti-inflammatory response induced by mannose-specific legume lectin from Cymbosema roseumRocha, Bruno Anderson Matias da; Delatorre, Plínio; Oliveira, Taianá Maia; Benevides, R. G.; Pires, Alana de Freitas; Sousa, Albertina A.S.; Souza, Luis A.G.; Assreuy, Ana Maria Sampaio; Debray, Henri; Azevedo, Walter Filgueira de; Sampaio, Alexandre Holanda; Cavada, B. S.
2013Triterpenes and the antimycobacterial activity of duroia macrophylla huber (Rubiaceae)Martins, Daiane; Carrion, Lillian Lucas; Ramos, Daniela Fernandes; Salomé, Kahlil Schwanka; Silva, Pedro A. da; Barison, Andersson; Nunez, C. V.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Zerumbone from Zingiber zerumbet (L.) smith: A potential prophylactic and therapeutic agent against the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutansMoreira da Silva, Thiago; Pinheiro, Carlos Danniel; Orlandi, Patrícia Puccinelli; Pinheiro, Carlos Cleomir S.; Pontes, Gemilson Soares