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Showing results 2 to 8 of 8 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Different responses of dung beetle diversity and feeding guilds from natural and disturbed habitats across a subtropical elevational gradientAlvarado, Fredy; Salomão, Renato Portela; Hernandez-Rivera, Álvaro; Araujo Lira, André Felipe de
2013Disturbances, elevation, topography and spatial proximity drive vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient of a top biodiversity hotspotEisenlohr, Pedro Vasconcellos; Alves, Luciana Ferreira; Bernacci, Luís Carlos; Padgurschi, Maíra de Campos Gorgulho; Torres, Roseli Buzanelli; Prata, Eduardo Magalhães Borges; Santos, Flavio A.Maës; Assis, Marco Antonio; Ramos, Eliana; Rochelle, Andr? Lu?s Casarin; Martins, Fernando Roberto; Campos, Mariana C.R.; Pedroni, Fernando; Sanchez, Maryland; Pereira, Larissa de Souza; Vieira, Simone Aparecida; Gomes, José Ataliba Mantelli Aboin; Tamashiro, Jorge Yoshio; Scaranello, Marcos Augusto S.; Caron, Cora J.; Joly, Carlos Alfredo
2017Does soil pyrogenic carbon determine plant functional traits in Amazon Basin forests?Massi, Klécia Gili; Bird, Michael I.; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Marimon, Ben Hur; Nogueira, Denis Silva; Oliveira, Edmar A.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Brienen, Roel J.W.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Chave, Jérôme; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Ferreira, Leandro Valle; Higuchi, Niro; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Laurance, William F.; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Martínez, Rodolfo Vásquez; Monteagudo, Abel Lorenzo; Neill, David A.; Prieto, Adriana; Ramírez-Angulo, Hirma; ter Steege, H.; Vilanova, Emilio; Feldpausch, Ted R.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Leaf-level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high-elevation Andean tropical moist forests of PeruBahar, Nur H.A.; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Weerasinghe, Lasantha K.; Guerrieri, Rossella; O'Sullivan, Odhran S.; Bloomfield, Keith J.; Asner, Gregory P.; Martin, Roberta E.; Lloyd, Jon; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Phillips, Oliver L.; Meir, Patrick W.; Salinas, Norma; Cosio, Eric G.; null, Tomas; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Sinca, Felipe; Escudero Vega, Alberto; Zuloaga Ccorimanya, Paola P.; Del Águila Pasquel, Jhon; Quispe Huaypar, Katherine; Cuba-Torres, Israel; Butrón Loayza, Rosalbina; Pelaez-Tapia, Yulina; Huamán-Ovalle, Judit; Long, Benedict M.; Evans, John R.; Atkin, Owen K.
2015Montane bias in lowland Amazonian peatlands: Plant assembly on heterogeneous landscapes and potential significance to palynological inferenceHouseholder, John Ethan; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Tobler, Mathias W.; Janovec, John P.
2014A new species of ameivula (Squamata, Teiidae) from Southern Espinhaço Mountain Range, BrazilArias, Federico José; Carvalho, Celso Morato de; Zaher, H.; Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut
2018Subtle changes in elevation shift bat-assemblage structure in Central AmazoniaCapaverde, Ubirajara Dutra; Pereira, Lucas Gabriel do Amaral; Tavares, Valéria da C.; Magnusson, William Ernest; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli