Browsing by Subject Enzyme Activity

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Showing results 36 to 45 of 45 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Quality attributes of cupuaçu juice in response to treatment with crude enzyme extract produced by aspergillus japonicus 586Teixeira, Maria Francisca Simas; Andrade, Jerusa Souza; Fernandes, Ormezinda Celeste Cristo; Durán, Nelson; Lima-Filho, José Luiz de
2007Rapid regulation of Na+ fluxes and ammonia excretion in response to acute environmental hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar, Astronotus ocellatusWood, Chris M.; Kajimura, Makiko; Sloman, Katherine A.; Scott, Graham R.; Walsh, Patrick J.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis
2017Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities to experimental warming and CO2 enrichment at the alpine treelineSouza, Rômulo C.; Solly, Emily F.; Dawes, Melissa Autumn; Graf, Frank; Hagedorn, Frank; Egli, Simon; Clement, Charles Roland; Nagy, László; Rixen, Christian; Peter, Martina
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009The role of carbohydrates in seed germination and seedling establishment of Himatanthus sucuuba, an Amazonian tree with populations adapted to flooded and non-flooded conditionsFerreira, Cristiane Silva; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Tiné, Marco Aurélio Silva; Rodrigo Rossatto, Davi; Parolin, Pia; Buckeridge, Marcos Silveira
2000Scaling effects on hypoxia tolerance in the Amazon fish Astronotus ocellatus (Perciformes: Cichlidae): Contribution of tissue enzyme levelsVal, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis; Duncan, Wallice Luiz Paxiuba; Souza, Fabiana C A; Paula-Silva, Maria Nazaré N.; Land, Stephen C.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Seahorse (Hippocampus reidi) as a bioindicator of crude oil exposureDelunardo, Frederico Augusto Cariello; Carvalho, Luciano Rodrigues de; Silva, Bruno Ferreira da; Galão, Michel; Val, Adalberto Luis; Chippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina
2019Soil nitrogen recovery and seasonal changes of xylem sap amino acids of Amazonian tree species following pasture abandonmentAraújo, Vanderlei Borboni Ferreira de; Justino, Gilberto Costa; Silva, Carlos Eduardo Moura da; Vera, Saul Alfredo Antezzana; Lins, Lays; Sodek, Ladaslav C.; Camargos, Liliane Santos de; Pereira, Luis Octávio Vieira; Gonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho
2014Treatment of an ECF bleaching effluent with white-rot fungi in an air-lift bioreactorSouza, Érica Simplício de; Souza, João Vicente Braga de; Silva, Flávio T.; Paiva, Teresa Cristina Brazil de
2005Unidirectional sodium fluxes and gill CYP1A induction in an amazonian fish (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) exposed to a surfactant and to crude oilMatsuo, Aline Y.O.; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Val, Adalberto Luis
2017Validation of a suite of biomarkers of fish health in the tropical bioindicator species, tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Sadauskas-Henrique, Helen; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Gagnon, Marthe Monique; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e