Browsing by Subject Fermentation

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Showing results 6 to 7 of 7 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Production of mycelial biomass, proteases and protease inhibitors by Ganoderma lucidum under different submerged fermentation conditionsPessoa, Vitor Alves; Soares, L.B.N; Silva, Gerlane L.; Vasconcelos, Alice S.; Silva, JF; Farina, Julia Inés; Oliveira-Junior, Sérgio Dantas; Sales-Campos, Ceci; Chevreuil, Larissa Ramos
2017Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities to experimental warming and CO2 enrichment at the alpine treelineSouza, Rômulo C.; Solly, Emily F.; Dawes, Melissa Autumn; Graf, Frank; Hagedorn, Frank; Egli, Simon; Clement, Charles Roland; Nagy, László; Rixen, Christian; Peter, Martina