Browsing by Subject French Guiana

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Showing results 10 to 16 of 16 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013The importance of environmental heterogeneity and spatial distance in generating phylogeographic structure in edaphic specialist and generalist tree species of Protium (Burseraceae) across the Amazon BasinVan Antwerp Fine, Paul; Zapata, Felipe; Daly, Douglas Charles; Mesones, Italo; Misiewicz, Tracy M.; Cooper, Hillary F.; Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo A
Morphology.pdf.jpg2011Morphology and geographical distribution of the poorly known snake Umbrivaga pygmaea (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in BrazilKawashita-Ribeiro, Ricardo Alexandre; Carvalho, Vinícius Tadeu de; Lima, Ana Caroline de; Ávila, Róbson Waldemar; Fraga, Rafael de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Rare species contribute disproportionately to the functional structure of species assemblagesLeitão, Rafael Pereira; Zuanon, Jansen; Vill?ger, S?bastien; Williams, Stephen E.; Baraloto, Christopher; Fortunel, Claire; Mendonça, Fernando Pereira; Mouillot, David
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017River-specific macrogenomic diversity in Simulium guianense s. l. (Diptera: Simuliidae), a complex of tropical American vectors associated with human onchocerciasisAdler, Peter H.; Hamada, Neusa; Nascimento, Jeane Marcelle Cavalcante do; Grillet, Maria Eugenia
2019A taxonomic synopsis of Chrysomydas Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel (Diptera: Mydidae: Mydinae), with first bionomic records for the genus and description of a new species from BrazilCalhau, Júlia; Lima, Sheila P.; Rafael, José Albertino; Lamas, Carlos José Einicker
2020Time of night and moonlight structure vertical space use by insectivorous bats in a Neotropical rainforest: An acoustic monitoring studyGomes, Dylan G.E.; Barber, Jesse Rex; Appel, Giulliana
2013Wood decomposition in Amazonian hydropower reservoirs: An additional source of greenhouse gasesAbril, Gwénaël; Parize, Marcelo; Pérez, Marcela Andrea P.; Filizola, Naziano Pantoja