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Showing results 63 to 65 of 65 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006The use of French spikes to collect botanical vouchers in permanent plots: Evaluation of potential impactsCastilho, Carolina Volkmer de; Magnusson, William Ernest; Oliveira de Araújo, R. Nazaré; Costa Pereira, Everaldo da; Souza, Sebastião Salvino de
2011Use of spray-dried blood meal as an alternative protein source in pirarucu (arapaima gigas) dietsRibeiro, Ricardo Amaral; Ozório, R. O.A.; Batista, Sónia; Pereira Filho, Manoel; Ono, Eduardo Akifumi; Roubach, Rodrigo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Variations in Amazon forest productivity correlated with foliar nutrients and modelled rates of photosynthetic carbon supplyMercado, Lina; Patiño, Sandra; null, Tomas; Fyllas, Nikolaos M.; Weedon, Graham P.; Sitch, Stephen A.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Phillips, Oliver L.; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Dolman, A. Johannes; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Saleska, Scott Reid; Baker, Timothy R.; Almeida, Samuel Miranda; Higuchi, Niro; Lloyd, Jon