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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 26-Sep-2017 | Efeitos de substâncias psicoativas sobre as descargas do órgão elétrico de Gymnotiformes Amazônicos | Jesus, Isac Silva de |
| 2017 | Effects of neuroactive drugs in the discharge patterns of microsternarchus (hypopomidae: gymnotiformes) electric organ | Jesus, Isac Silva de; Ferreira, Milena; Silva-Júnior, Urbano Lopes; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio |
| 2016 | Evolution of electric communication signals in the South American ghost knifefishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae): A phylogenetic comparative study using a sequence-based phylogeny | Smith, Adam R.; Proffitt, Melissa R.; Ho, Winnie W.; Mullaney, Claire B.; Maldonado-Ocampo, Javier Alejandro; Lovejoy, Nathan R.; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio; Smith, G. Troy |
| 2016 | Evolutionary Dynamics of 5S rDNA and Recurrent Association of Transposable Elements in Electric Fish of the Family Gymnotidae (Gymnotiformes): The Case of Gymnotus mamiraua | Silva, M. R. da; Barbosa, Patrícia; Artoni, Roberto Ferreira; Feldberg, Eliana |
 | 2006 | Fallen leaves on the water-bed: Diurnal camouflage of three night active fish species in an Amazonian streamlet | Sazima, Ivan; Carvalho, Lucélia Nobre; Mendonça, Fernando Pereira; Zuanon, Jansen |
| 2005 | Filogeografia de Hypopygus leptutus Hoedeman, 1962 (Gymnotiformes : Rhamphicthyidae) ao longo do médio Rio Negro, Amazônia | Schmitt, Renata |
 | 5-Aug-2016 | Filtros ambientais, similaridade limitante e diversidade funcional de peixes Gymnotiformes em dois rios Amazônicos | Marques, Nayana Estrela Ferreira |
| 2016 | First cytogenetic description of Microsternarchus bilineatus (Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae) from Negro River (Brazilian Amazon) | Jesus, Isac Silva de; Ferreira, Milena; Garcia, Caroline; Braga Ribeiro, Leila; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio; Feldberg, Eliana |
| 2009 | <i>Oedemognathus exodon</i> and <i>Sternarchogiton nattereri</i> (Apteronotidae, Gymnotiformes): the Case for Sexual Dimorphism and Conspecificity | Fernandes, Cristina Cox; Lundberg, John G.; Sullivan, John P. |
| 1997 | Informaçoes Preliminares Sobre A Bio-Ecologia de Peixes Eletricos (Ordem Gymnotiformes) Em Roraima | Gomes, Jose Antonio Alves |
 | 2019 | A JAR of Chirps: The Gymnotiform Chirp Can Function as Both a Communication Signal and a Jamming Avoidance Response | Field, Caitlin E.; Petersen, Thiago Alexandre; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio; Braun, Christopher B. |
| 2019 | Karyotypic Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Neotropical Electric Fish of the Genus Gymnotus (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae) | Silva, M. R. da; Matoso, D. A.; Artoni, Roberto Ferreira; Feldberg, Eliana |
| 2002 | Largest of all electric-fish snouts: Hypermorphic facial growth in male Apteronotus hasemani and the identity of Apteronotus anas (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) | Fernandes, Cristina Cox; Lundberg, John G.; Riginos, Cynthia |
| 1996 | Magosternarchus, a new genus with two new species of electric fishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) from the Amazon River Basin, South America | Lundberg, John G.; Fernandes, Cristina Cox; Albert, James Spurling; García, Marcelo |
| 2014 | New approach data in electric fish (Teleostei: Gymnotus): Sex chromosome evolution and repetitive DNA | Silva, M. R. da; Matoso, D. A.; Artoni, Roberto Ferreira; Feldberg, Eliana |
| 2010 | New rheophilic species of electric knifefish from the rapids and waterfalls of the lower Rio Xingu, Brazil (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) | Santana, Carlos David de; Vari, Richard P. |
| 2015 | A new species of electric knifefish from the rio Negro, Amazon basin (Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae, Microsternarchini) | Fernandes, Cristina Cox; Nogueira, Adília; Williston, Andrew; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio |
| 2012 | A new species of sexually dimorphic electric knifefish from the Amazon basin, Brazil (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) | Santana, Carlos David de; Fernandes, Cristina Cox |
 | 2009 | Peixes Elétricos (gymnotiformes) No Lavrado de Roraima: Caracterização e Gravação das Descargas Elétricas. | Amorim, Paulo Atlântico Figueiredo de |
 | 2007 | Phylogenetic comparative analysis of electric communication signals in ghost knifefishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) | Turner, Cameron R.; Derylo, Maksymilian A.; David Santana, C. de; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio; Smith, G. Troy |