Browsing by Subject Juvenile
Showing results 6 to 23 of 23
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Distinct roles of savanna and forest tree species in regeneration under fire suppression in a Brazilian savanna | Geiger, Erika L.; Gotsch, Sybil G.; Damasco, Gabriel; Haridasan, Mundayatan; Franco, Augusto C.; Hoffmann, William Arthur | |
2004 | The distributions of larval and juvenile fishes in Amazonian rivers of different nutrient status | Lima, Álvaro Carvalho de; Araújo-Lima, Carlos Alberto Rego Monteiro | |
2017 | Effects of climate scenarios on the growth and physiology of the Amazonian fish tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) | Oliveira, Alzira Miranda de; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2019 | The effects of stocking density on the hematology, plasma protein profile and immunoglobulin production of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) farmed in Brazil | Costa, Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da; Dias, Lucas Castanhola; Malmann, Carlos Augusto; Lima Ferreira, César Augusto de; Carmo, Iracimar Batista Do; Wischneski, Andrew Georg; Sousa, Rafael Luckwu de; Cavero, Bruno Adan Sagratzki; Lameiras, Juliana Luiza Varjão; Santos, Maria Cristina dos | |
2013 | Effects of subchronic manganese chloride exposure on tambaqui (colossoma macropomum) tissues: Oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses | Gabriel, Diogo; Riffel, Ana Paula Konzen; Finamor, Isabela Andres; Saccol, Etiane Medianeira Hundertmarck; Ourique, Giovana M.; Goulart, Luis O.R.; Kochhann, Daiani; Cunha, Mauro Alves da; Garcia, Luciano; Pavanato, Maria Amália; Val, Adalberto Luis; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Llesuy, Susana | |
2016 | Efficacy of seed extract of Bixa orellana against monogenean gill parasites and physiological aspects of Colossoma macropomum after bath treatment | Andrade, Jaqueline Inês Alves de; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Brasil, Elenice Martins; Nunez, C. V.; Gonçalves, Eduardo Luiz Tavares; Ruiz, Maria Luiza; Martins, Maurício Laterça | |
2011 | Feeding behaviour and ecosystem role of the red mangrove crab Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803) (Decapoda, Grapsoidea) in a subtropical estuary on the Brazilian coast | Lima-Gomes, Renata C. de; Cobo, Válter José; Fransozo, Adílson | |
![]() | 2017 | Goliath catfish spawning in the far western Amazon confirmed by the distribution of mature adults, drifting larvae and migrating juveniles | Barthem, Ronaldo Borges; Goulding, Michael; Leite, Rosseval Galdino; Cañas, Carlos M.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Petry, Paulo; Ribeiro, Mauro Lde B.; Chuctaya, Junior A.; Mercado, Armando |
2011 | Interaction of Water Hardness and pH on Growth of Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Juveniles | Copatti, Carlos Eduardo; Garcia, Luciano; Cunha, Mauro Alves da; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Kochhann, Daiani | |
![]() | 2019 | Perulernaea gamitanae (Crustacea: Lerneaidae) in juvenile Colossoma macropomum (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) in semi-intensive fish farming in Loreto, Peru | Arbildo-Ortiz, Humberto; Alvez-Robledo, Juleysi; Souza, Amanda Karen Silva de |
![]() | 2016 | Redescription and geographical distribution of the endangered fish ossubtus xinguense Jégu 1992 (Characiformes, Serrasalmidae) with comments on conservation of the rheophilic fauna of the Xingu River | Andrade, Marcelo C.; Sousa, Leandro M.; Ota, Rafaela Priscila; Jegú, Michel; Giarrizzo, Tommaso |
2012 | The regeneration of Brazil nut trees in relation to nut harvest intensity in the Trombetas River valley of Northern Amazonia, Brazil | Scoles, Ricardo; Gribel, Rogério | |
2019 | Revision of the Traumatomutilla juvenilis species group (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) | Bartholomay, Pedro R.; Williams, Kevin Andrew; Cambra, Roberto A.T.; Oliveira, Marcio Luiz de | |
2012 | Sodium fluxes in Tamoatá, Hoplosternum litoralle, exposed to formation water from Urucu Reserve (Amazon, Brazil) | Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Garcia, Luciano; Benaduce, Ana Paula da Silva; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Nascimento, Thiago L.; Gomes, Levy de Carvalho; Chippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2019 | Stocking density and water temperature as modulators of aggressiveness, survival and zootechnical performance in matrinxã larvae, Brycon amazonicus | Barros, Igor Bartolomeu A. de; Villacorta-Corrêa, Marle Angélica; Carvalho, Thaís Billalba | |
2006 | Use of salt during transportation of air breathing pirarucu juveniles (Arapaima gigas) in plastic bags | Gomes, Levy de Carvalho; Chagas, Edsandra Campos; Brinn, Richard Philip; Roubach, Rodrigo; Copatti, Carlos Eduardo; Baldisserotto, Bernardo | |
2011 | Use of spray-dried blood meal as an alternative protein source in pirarucu (arapaima gigas) diets | Ribeiro, Ricardo Amaral; Ozório, R. O.A.; Batista, Sónia; Pereira Filho, Manoel; Ono, Eduardo Akifumi; Roubach, Rodrigo | |
2019 | The Vocal Repertoire of Golden-Faced Sakis, Pithecia chrysocephala, and the Relationship Between Context and Call Structure | Muir, Jen; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Svensson, Magdalena S. |