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Showing results 16 to 29 of 29 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Mark-recapture abundance estimate of tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia fluviatilis) in a lake system of the Central AmazonCoimbra, Zulmira H.; Assis, Carlos António; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Santos, Manuel E. dos
hundred.pdf.jpg2013One hundred and thirty-five years of avifaunal surveys around Santarém, central Brazilian AmazonLees, Alexander C.; Moura, Nárgila Gomes de; Andretti, Christian Borges; Davis, Bradley J.W.; Lopes, Edson Varga; Magalli Pinto Henriques, L.; Aleixo, Alexandre; Barlow, Jos; Ferreira, Joice Nunes; Gardner, Toby Alan
2014Palynological differentiation of savanna types in Carajás, Brazil (southeastern Amazonia)Absy, Maria Lúcia; Cleef, Antoine M.; D'Apolito, Carlos; Silva, Manoela Ferreira Fernandes da
2013Palynological examination of the pollen pots of native stingless bees from the Lower Amazon region in Pará, BrazilNovais, Jaílson Santos de; Absy, Maria Lúcia
2004Phytoplankton diel variation and vertical distribution in two Amazonian floodplain lakes (Batata Lake and Mussurá Lake, Pará-Brasil) with different mixing regimesMelo, Sérgio; Huszar, Vera Lúcia de Moraes; Roland, Fábio; Esteves, Franscisco de Assis; Bozelli, Reinaldo Luiz
2012The regeneration of Brazil nut trees in relation to nut harvest intensity in the Trombetas River valley of Northern Amazonia, BrazilScoles, Ricardo; Gribel, Rogério
2018Results confirm a relatively dry setting during the last glacial (MIS 3 and LGM) in Carajás, Amazonia: A comment on Guimarães et al.D'Apolito, Carlos; Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; Absy, Maria Lúcia
2012Seasonal anomalous rainfall in the central and eastern Amazon and associated anomalous oceanic and atmospheric patternsAndreoli, Rita Valéria; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Kayano, Mary Toshie; Cândido, Luiz Antônio
2014Seasonal changes in the use of feeding resources by fish in stands of aquatic macrophytes in an Amazonian floodplain, BrazilRöpke, Cristhiana Paula; Ferreira, Efrem J.G.; Zuanon, Jansen
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017The smallest spider of Uloboridae, a new species of Conifaber opell, 1982 (Arachnida: Araneae) from BrazilSalvatierra, Lidianne; Brescovit, Antônio Domingos; Tourinho, A. L.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005Spatially explicit population dynamics in a declining population of the tropical rodent, Bolomys lasiurusGhizoni, Ivo Rohling; Layme, Viviane Maria Guedes; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Magnusson, William Ernest
2019The spatio-temporal variability of groundwater storage in the Amazon River BasinFrappart, Frédéric; Papa, Fabrice; G?untner, Andreas; Tomasella, J.; Pfeffer, Julia; Ramillien, Guillaume L.; Emilio, Thaise; Schietti, Juliana; Seoane, Lucía; Silva Carvalho, João da; Medeiros Moreira, Daniel; Bonnet, Marie Paule; Seyler, Frédérique
2006Species turnover and vertical partitioning of ant assemblages in the Brazilian Amazon: A comparison of forests and savannasVasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Vilhena, José M.S.
2014Viewpoint - Brazil's madeira river dams: A setback for environmental policy in amazonian developmentFearnside, Philip Martin