Browsing by Subject Plant Leaves

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Showing results 35 to 36 of 36 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Variability in essential-oil composition of Piper marginatum sensu latoAndrade, Eloísa Helena de Aguiar; Carreira, Léa Maria Medeiros; Silva, Milton Hélio L da; Silva, João Domingos da; Bastos, Cléber Novais; Sousa, Pergentino José C.Cunha; Guimarães, Elsie Franklin; Maia, José Guilherme Soares
2017Variations of leaf longevity in tropical moist forests predicted by a trait-driven carbon optimality modelXu, Xiangtao; Medvigy, David M.; Wright, Stuart Joseph; Kitajima, Kaoru; Wu, Jin; Albert, Loren P.; Martins, Giordane Augusto; Saleska, Scott Reid; Pacala, Stephen W.