Browsing by Subject Podocnemis

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Showing results 10 to 15 of 15 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mestrado_INPA.pdf.jpg2-Feb-2018Influência de fatores ambientais, biológicos e antrópicos na caça e venda de quelônios de água doce em duas reservas na Amazônia CentralMorcatty, Thais Queiroz
TESE_INPA.pdf.jpg25-Jan-2012Integração de conhecimento ecológico tradicional e da ecologia de populações para a conservação de quelônios (Testudines:Podocnemididae) No Rio Purus, Amazonas, BrasilPantoja-Lima, Jackson
2021A large scale analysis of threats to the nesting sites of Podocnemis species and the effectiveness of the coverage of these areas by the Brazilian Action Plan for Amazon Turtle ConservationFagundes, Camila Kurzmann; Fath, Franciele; Côrtes, Lara Gomes; Uhlig, Vívian Mara; Andrade, Paulo C.M.; Vogt, Richard Carl; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito; de Marco Júnior, Paulo
2009Mercury bioacumulation in four tissues of Podocnemis erythrocephala (Podocnemididae: Testudines) as a function of water parametersSchneider, Larissa; Belger, Lauren; Burger, Joanna; Vogt, Richard Carl
2019Model-based riverscape genetics: disentangling the roles of local and connectivity factors in shaping spatial genetic patterns of two Amazonian turtles with different dispersal abilitiesOliveira, Jessica dos Anjos; Farias, Izeni P.; Costa, Gabriel C.; Werneck, F. P.
2011Morphological and cytochemical characterization of thrombocytes and leukocytes in hatchlings of three species of Amazonian freshwater turtlesOliveira, Adriano T.; Cruz, Wanessa Ribeiro; Pantoja-Lima, Jackson; Araújo, Sihame B.; Araújo, Maria Lucia G.; Marcon, Jaydione Luíz; Tavares-Dias, Marcos