Browsing by Subject Population Growth

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Showing results 11 to 13 of 13 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Resource distribution and soil moisture content can regulate bait control in an ant assemblage in Central Amazonian forestBaccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Ketelhut, Suzana Maria; Morais, José Wellington
2015Use of thermal power plants by new world vultures (cathartidae) as an artifice to gain liftFreire, Davi Almeida; Gomes, Felipe Bittioli Rodrigues; Cintra, Renato; Novaes, Weber Galvão
2011Yanomami Mobility and Its Effects on the Forest LandscapeNilsson, Maurice Seiji Tomioka; Fearnside, Philip Martin