Browsing by Subject Primates
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
![]() | 2012 | Implications of habitat fragmentation on the diet of bearded saki monkeys in central Amazonian forest | Boyle, Sarah Ann; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Smith, Andrew T. |
2008 | Infection rates and genotypes of Trypanosoma rangeli and T. cruzi infecting free-ranging Saguinus bicolor (Callitrichidae), a critically endangered primate of the Amazon Rainforest | Maia da Silva, F.; Naiff, Roberto Daibes; Marcili, Arlei; Gordo, Marcelo; D'Affonsêca Neto, José Anselmo; Naiff, Maricleide de Farias; Franco, A. M.; Campaner, Marta; Valente, Vera da Costa; Valente, Sebastiäo Aldo S.; Camargo, Erney Plessmann; Teixeira, Marta Maria Geraldes; Miles, Michael Alexander | |
2012 | Low Primate Diversity and Abundance in Northern Amazonia and its Implications for Conservation | Pontes, Antonio Rossano Mendes; Paula, Mateus Dantas de; Magnusson, William Ernest | |
2016 | Mixed-species associations in cuxiús (genus Chiropotes) | Shaffer, Christopher A.; Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Gregory, Tremaine; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Moreira, Leandro Santana; Alvim, Thiago H G; Moura, Viviane Sodré; Filó, Anderson; Cardoso, Tatiane; Port-Carvalho, Marcio; Santos, Ricardo Rodrigues dos; Boyle, Sarah Ann | |
2014 | More food or fewer predators? The benefits to birds of associating with a Neotropical primate varies with their foraging strategy | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Shaw, Peter J.A. | |
![]() | 2018 | New insights into the distribution and conservation status of the Golden-White Tassel-Ear Marmoset Mico chrysoleucos (Primates, Callitrichidae) | Silva, Felipe Ennes; Endo, Whaldener; Silva Júnior, José de Sousa e; dos Santos Junior, Marcelo A.; Sampaio, Ricardo Telles de Moreira; Röhe, Fábio |
2009 | A new subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis (Primates, Callitrichidae) | Röhe, Fábio; Sousa E Silva, José de; Sampaio, Ricardo Telles de Moreira; Rylands, Anthony B. | |
2020 | Niche overlap between two sympatric frugivorous Neotropical primates: improving ecological niche models using closely-related taxa | Cavalcante, Thiago; Jesus, Anamélia de Souza; Rabelo, Rafael M.; Messias, Mariluce Rezende; Valsecchi, João; Ferraz, Daniel; Gusmão, Almerio Camara; Silva, Odair Diogo da; Faria, Luciano; Barnett, Adrian Ashton | |
2016 | Pitheciid research comes of age: Past puzzles, current progress, and future priorities | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Thompson, Cynthia L. | |
2011 | Predation on Cacajao ouakary and Cebus albifrons (Primates: Platyrrhini) by harpy eagles | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Schie, Verena; Deveny, Adrian J.; Valsko, Jefferson José; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Ross, Caroline | |
2012 | Primary seed dispersal by three Neotropical seed-predating primates (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Chiropotes chiropotes and Chiropotes albinasus) | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia; Lourenc, Waldete C.; Almeida, Thais; Silva, Welma Sousa; Ronchi-Teles, Beatriz; Bezerra, Bruna; Ross, Caroline; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto | |
2015 | Primate predation by black hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus) in Brazilian amazonia | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Andrade, Eliana Santos; Ferreira, Maria Cecilia; Soares, José B.Garcia; Silva, Victor Fonseca da; Oliveira, Tadeu G. de | |
![]() | 2014 | Response of frugivorous primates to changes in fruit supply in a northern Amazonian forest | Mourthé, Ítalo M.C. |
2014 | Responses of primates to landscape change in amazonian land-bridge islands-a multi-scale analysis | Benchimol, Maíra; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins | |
![]() | 2014 | Rivers acting as barriers for bird dispersal in the Amazon | Fernandes, Alexandre Mendes; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Hrbek, Tomas; Farias, Izeni P. |
2017 | Run, hide, or fight: anti-predation strategies in endangered red-nosed cuxiú (Chiropotes albinasus, Pitheciidae) in southeastern Amazonia | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Silla, João M.; Oliveira, Tadeu G. de; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Bezerra, Bruna; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Silva, Rafaela F.Soares da; Albuquerque Teixeira, Samara de; Todd, Lucy M.; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia | |
2015 | Spatial and temporal patterns of diversification on the Amazon: A test of the riverine hypothesis for all diurnal primates of Rio Negro and Rio Branco in Brazil | Boubli, Jean Philippe; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Lynch Alfaro, Jessica W.; Alfaro, Michael E.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Pinho, Gabriela Medeiros; Farias, Izeni P. | |
2015 | Special issue: Comparative biogeography of Neotropical primates | Lynch Alfaro, Jessica W.; Cortes-Ortíz, Liliana; Di Fiore, Anthony; Boubli, Jean Philippe | |
2008 | A taxonomic reassessment of Cacajao melanocephalus Humboldt (1811), with the description of two new species | Boubli, Jean Philippe; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Amado, Manuella Villar; Hrbek, Tomas; Pontual, Francisco Boavista; Farias, Izeni P. | |
2012 | Terrestrial Activity in Pitheciins (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia) | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Boyle, Sarah Ann; Norconk, Marilyn A.; Palminteri, Suzanne; Santos, Ricardo Rodrigues dos; Veiga, Liza M.; Alvim, Thiago H G; Bowler, Mark T.; Chism, Janice L.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Fernández-Duque, Eduardo; Guimarães, Ana C. P.; Harrison-Levine, Amy; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Lehman, Shawn M.; MacKinnon, Katherine C.; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues de; Moreira, Leandro Santana; Moura, Viviane Sodré; Phillips, Carson R.; Pinto, Líliam Patrícia; Port-Carvalho, Marcio; Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire; Shaffer, Christopher A.; Silva, Lívia Rodrigues da; Silva, Suleima do Socorro Bastos da; Soares, Rafaela F.; Thompson, Cynthia L.; Vieira, Tatiana Martins; Vreedzaam, Arioene; Walker-Pacheco, Suzanne E.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; MacLarnon, Ann M.; Ferrari, Stephen Francis |